Rollitup Compassion Club News!!!

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New Member
Since the idea of the rollitup newsletter came about I have done some research on the topic I wanted to write about and that was medical marijuana and compassion clubs. The newsletter never did get started but I would still like to post the work and effort I put forth here in a section I have just made.

I will try and write a new aritcle each month and I hope you get some use out of it.

Rollitup Compassion Club News

Cannabis or marijuana comes from the cannabaceae species and there are a few varieties. Cannabis indica, cannabis sativa L. and cannabis ruderalia have been used long before their benefits were ever recorded.
Cannabis use goes back over 10,000 years ago and has been used by every walk of life. The fibers have been used for clothes, paper, insulation; the seeds have been used for oils, food and cosmetics; and the buds have been used as a medicine and as a narcotic drug.
By dictionary definition cannabis is a annual or dioecious flowering herb.
By definition an herb is a plant whose stem is above ground and does not become woody. It is common knowledge that the stem of a marijuana plant is fibrous and has been valued for its tensile quality.

Marijuana is ‘considered’ the 3rd most popular drug and in a recent survey, has been used by some 20 million people in the past year and 11 million use it on a regular bases just in America alone, despite the harsh laws against it.
Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco yet 50,000 die each year from alcohol poisoning and almost ½ a million each year from tobacco smoking.
It seems marijuana is far less of a threat and our policies should reflect this not deny it. The concept of spending billions of tax payer dollars on a world wide WAR against a ‘flowering herb’ seems just a ‘tad’ ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!
The absolute WORST thing about this herb is that it is ILLEGAL!!!
The fact still remains the same. Marijuana is a flowering herb BUT no substance in human history has EVER been subject to such persecution.

Despite all the political debates regarding its legality, clinical studies are more prevalent than any time in history. As more countries continue to approve and support legislation, enabling the physician-supervised use of marijuana as a medicinal medicine, more patients are now exploring the idea.
There are marked differences in the knowledge of the medical uses of marijuana in different disorders from nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, anorexia and cachexia in HIV?AIDS, chronic, especially neuropathic pain, spasticity in multiple sclerosis and spinal chord injury. With all this accumulated evidence of disorders it has been known to treat, there are numerous others that deserve the same consideration.
However, it is unfortunate that much of the research done is conducted with government supplied marijuana. Need I say more???

With all the anti-smoking campaigns and the desire to live in an anti-smoking environment, the pressure to use cannabis or marijuana in other alternative ways may be increasing but as a method of delivering certain medicinal compounds, smoking has some real advantages. The effects are almost instantaneous, allowing the patient to fine-tune his or her own dosage to get the needed relief. After all, the patient (person smoking) is the best judge of this. There is already technology to inhale these cannabinoids without smoking marijuana and they already exist as vaporizers that allow for smoke-free inhalation.
Cannabis sativa L. is the botanical name and Latin binomial for hemp. There are 483 different identifiable chemical constituents known to exist in cannabis. The most distinctive and specific class of compounds are the 66 cannabinoids found that are ONLY known to exist in the cannabis plant. Other constituents of the cannabis plant are:

- nitrogenous compounds (27 known)
- amino acids (18
-proteins (3)
- glycoproteins(6)
- enzymes(2)
- sugars and related compounds(34
- hydrocarbons(50)
- simple alcohols(7)
- aldehydes(13)
- ketones(13)
- simple acids(21)
- fatty acids(22
- simple esters(12)
- lactones(1)
- steroids(11)
- terpenes(120)
- non-cannabinoid phenols(25)
- flavonoids(21)
- vitamins(1)
- pigments(2)
- elements(9)

Most of these compounds are found in other plants and animals and have no pharmacological relevance with regard to the effects exerted by cannabis or marijuana preparations
Scientific clinical studies were conducted from the years 2000 to 2008 on the therapeutic effects of cannabis and cannabinoids for 17 separate clinical indications and these are:

· Alzheimer’s disease
· Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
· Diabetes mellitus
· Dystonia
· Fibromyalgia
· Gastrointestinal disorders
· Gliomas
· Hepatitis C
· Human immunodeficiency virus
· Hypertension
· Incontinence
· Multiple sclerosis
· Osteoporosis
· Pruritis
· Rheumatoid arthritis
· Sleep apnea
· Tourette’s syndrome

Modern science is now affirming longtime anecdotal reports of medicinal cannabis users and this research is highlighting entirely new potential to the medical establishment. The above disorders and/or diseases were selected because these are the ones that patients inquire the most about.
In many cases, the data indicates that cannabinoids may actually halt the progression of these diseases in a more efficacious manner than most available pharmaceuticals. In virtually all cases, this report is the most thorough and comprehensive study and review of the most recent scientific literature regarding the therapeutic use of cannabis and cannabinoids.

For any members here and their physicians, let this report serve as a primer for those who are considering using or recommending medical marijuana and for any others, let this report serve as an introduction to the broad range of emerging clinical applications for cannabis and its various compounds.
Medical Marijuana Strains

Here are some specific strains and what they work well for which was found off another medical marijuana site.

· Afghoonie x Haze (prementrual syndrome)
· Alien train Wreck (asthma)
· Auntie em (crohn’s disease, Multiple sclerosis)
· Blue fruit (crohn’s disease, Muscle spasms)
· Catalyst (pms)
· Dynamite (asthma, crohn’s disease, hepetitis C)
· Sour diesel (edema, epilepsy. fibromyalgia, radiolopathy)
· Green queen (epilepsy, neck and spine pain)
· Jack herer (anxiety, fibromyalgia)
· Lollipop (cachexia, degenerative bone/disc disease, general seizures, glaucoma. Migraine headaches, multiple sclerosis, nausea, post trramutic stress disorder)
· Medicine woman diabetic neuropathy, general pain, general seizures, glaucoma, hepatitis C, muscle spasms, nausea, radiolopathy
· New york diesel (migraine headaches)
· Northern Lights (anxiety, radiolopathy)
· Northern Light/Jamaican (arthritis)
· Original mystic (epilepsy)
· Phaght betty (cachexia, hepatitis C, ptsd)
· Sensi star (migraine headaches)
· Snow white (pms)
· Sweet blu (degenerative bone/disc disease, diabetic neuropathy, edema, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, nausea, back and neck pain)
· Train wreck (anxiety, arthritis, diabetic neuropathy)
· TX (arthritis, asthma, general pain, general seizures, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis)
· White widow (cachexia, hepatitis C, pdst)

If marijuana were unknown and scientists were to discover it in some remote area, its discovery would probably be hailed as a medical breakthrough. It would be praised for its potential in treating everything from pain to cancer. They would marvel at its rich pharmacopoeia, many of whose chemicals mimic vital molecules in the human body.
But in reality cannabis is considered by many governments to be a dangerous drug and any suggestion that the plant ‘might’ be medically useful is politically controversial, no matter what science proves otherwise.

thank you very much for putting the effort in lacy.

very informative, you should keep a hard copy of all the "articles" you write.

keep it up, and if you need help in research let me know, i'm a strong supporter of the news letter. i never was much for writing but i like to do research.

good job

thank you very much for putting the effort in lacy.

very informative, you should keep a hard copy of all the "articles" you write.

keep it up, and if you need help in research let me know, i'm a strong supporter of the news letter. i never was much for writing but i like to do research.

good job

we are trying to get the newsletter going again. I am sure there will be lots of research to be done and it would be great if you would help!
Thank you so very much.
Hey if you ever decide you want to do some research for the newsletter let us know.
We have people that need to be interviewed etc...and you would of course get the credit.
Think about it.
thank you very much for putting the effort in lacy.

very informative, you should keep a hard copy of all the "articles" you write.

keep it up, and if you need help in research let me know, i'm a strong supporter of the news letter. i never was much for writing but i like to do research.

good job

Yes ditto. i was just thinking the same thing.
At least we are both on the same page here dank. That always helps
if ya know what I mean;)
we are trying to get the newsletter going again. I am sure there will be lots of research to be done and it would be great if you would help!
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