....Rollitup REPTILE owners thread....


Active Member
Cool thread, I've got a big fat assed bearded dragon that I've had for......fuck 5 years now. Awesome pet, I set up a litter box in the basement with a heat rock beside it so he gets full run of the house. Never shits on the floor just in his litter box, weird eh? kinda like a reptillian house cat or somethin'. Best thing about them is they are vegetarian, so I can feed him the big fan leaves off my plants when I harvest he absolutely loves them lol

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
damn man that thing ever bit you
never been bit yet,and hopefully it wont happen,but never say never. ive had to give him meds in though the mouth,which means hold him down,pop his mouth open and shoot the meds in. hes good though,now those claws hurt and cut the skin not on purpose,i think, i mean just walkin and holding my arms it scratches and breaks the skin.

i know reps arent like cats and dogs, but u'd be surprise how smart they can be.they become fimaliar with u and a routine and just know or have an idea of wats expected. my guy knows when he sees the green dish,its feeding time.

hey palerider thast cool u got ur beardy litter trained, i should have done that wit my guy, man does his shit STINK! worse part is when he does on the floor while exploreing, bad lizard back in ur cage u go!


Well-Known Member
senor- they are a bit more particular than a bearded dragon (until i get a mistking im spryayin a water bottle 2 times a day, 5 minutes at a time all over the area hes in..no cages over here tho). chams are VERY picky to what they want, and they KNO how to let u know with their colors or even a lil hiss or (mouth opening and clicking a little noise..they only hear lows so thasts the noise they make)

but every cham is different tho, some like to be held others dont. mine dont mind, he walk on your hand if u dtick it around his free range, he LOVES people and attention.

OH! and its THIZZ IN PEACE!! not RIP, :lol:

And that TEGU IS SICK!!! i was checkin out a 23 year old tegu at reptile shop here around me! thing was a god damn BEAST!! i want one if they last that long, my cham only has 7-8 year life span :sad:


Well-Known Member

Thats TOO good!! a hairless kitty too, yall got quite the lil house of buddies! +rep for bein a muli-pet owner


Well-Known Member
im gonna try and get a vid of my turtle up later forgive me if my dogs get it they follow me everywhere espically the grow room cuz one of the bitches has a litter in there.


Well-Known Member
so be shy now pit, as long as u got a some reptile in the family. thats str8 tho anyways, love a good red-nose. :fire:


Well-Known Member
haha i got a litter of staffies by rednose my lines im not sayin it but they r game dogs as game as they come


Well-Known Member
im embarressd of my tanks right now tomorrow im gonna clean em both i need a new filter for my 65 gallon tank


Well-Known Member
ill be waitin to see them piks from both yall, almost tired of lookin at buds all day on here (its bad enough im on here alot of the day :lol:)


Well-Known Member
haha dont worry fuzzy i am on here almost 90 percent of my day i take care of plants and dogs and the house dont have a job i ride bulls mostly on weekends its a great life lol


Well-Known Member
haha dont worry fuzzy i am on here almost 90 percent of my day i take care of plants and dogs and the house dont have a job i ride bulls mostly on weekends its a great life lol
sounds alot like me...except with a chameleon not dogs (hey! 1 cham is ALOT to handle :lol:), and i ride in a car with subwoofers instead of a bull.....ur fu**in DOWN for riding a bull too! i would rep ya for that alone, but i cant at the moment...MUCH respect tho!

Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
thizz in peace, damnit should 've known that. im from the east and there aren't many people that know much bout thiz..or that whole bay area thing.

the cat belongs to my brother,who doesnt live here but bring him over every once in awhile..the cat didnt know wat to think about the lizard,just stayed behind the lizzy and kept smellin him tail. there's also a bulldog,my other bro's, who is a little to rough so that guy doesnt see the lizzy too much.

hey trynagrowsum...urs is a columbian,right?? dont worry bout size it'll be a big boy in no time. my guy triple his size in about a year,went from a 65 gallon to a homemade 6'-2'-2'..and im thinkin about going a little bigger..maybe ill get some ackies,or beardies for this 6-2-2,donw the road


Well-Known Member
Have a 7 month old Bearded Dragon ( with a WW popcorn hat on :D )

It's a very gentle lizard and loves getting handled and climbing to your shoulder and sitting like a parrot lol. When i put my hand into it's tank it will climb onto my hand to be lifted out. Got rid of kids Chilean Rose Tarantula to get this, best move i made lol


Sr. Verde

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I love potheads <3

Seriously, never met people so passionate about anything until I met the growers :)

Passionate about their animals, passionate about life, passionate about weed and passionate about cultivation