Romney to release 2011 tax return, paid IRS 14.1 percent

Is that why most of us are good at spinning the truth?

*spin* *clip* *spin* *clip* *spin* *clip*

You seem to not know the difference between facts and "accusations" so, just one more time, I will help point out the FACTS.

This is the first article I opened and it is from the Christian Science Monitor:
"Pundits, political partisans, and amateur CPA’s are poring over the numbers in Mitt Romney’s tax returns. What’s missing, tax experts say, are the details of Romney’s retirement account from Bain Capital, including investments in offshore accounts in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands."

LOL Nice try, anybody that can read can see that the articles you're provided are nothing more than accusations, you're own links admit the years in question are the years Romney was with Bain Capital.
It's just another way of saying we want Romney to release more tax returns.

If there was anything news worthy in relation to the tax returns Romney has released, #1 He wouldn't have released them and #2 it would make headlines in every media outlet in America.
But again, nice try!