Romulan x Cotton Candy Pics


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone,

Just posting up some pics to update the grow. These pics were taken on day 35. This are going well at the midway point and some of the giant fan leaves are starting to yellow.

I'm feenin for some smoke. I'm now going on 1.5 months without smoking a thing. My wife keeps threatening to cut down a branch when I'm at work. Dem Dher Are Fightin Wordz! lol.

The last two pics are of my Belladonnas. I'm going to be cloning them and then throwing them into the flower room as well. Can't wait to taste her. They have pre-sexed and shows all the traight's of a sexy lady.



New Member
Yipp looking very nice dude just keep up what you've already been doing and all will come good in the end you know it makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!

I like this stage of flowering cause you can really start to see her grow. I have a couple more that have been flowering for about a week. I'll put up some pics of those once the light gets back on. I tried some different thing with them.

I'm having too much fun growing this time around, most of it thanks to RIU! The information on here is plentiful and the peeps are great!

Thanks for the encouraging words throughout the grow!

Too bad there is no way to scratch and sniff through the internet. lol


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics I took last night when I was doing some work. I put another RomxCC so I now have 4 flowering in various stages.

I took some clone off of one Belladonna, decided to try putting them in dirt to see how effective it is. I'm trying to find the best way for me to clone. I've tried peat pellets, oasis cubes, now trying the dirt. Well, let's say that I'll never be using dirt again. In 2 days they went to shit. I'm trying to see if I can save some of them by throwing them into a cube. We'll see how that works, I'm not to optimistic about it.

Anyways, here are some pics. She is 39 days into flower, 21 more to go. The last one are of the new girls.

