Ron Paul 2016


Well-Known Member
Just getting an early start on things
Let me be the the first to say- look around, either things are going so well your noticing the improvements and your grateful we elected Ron Paul in 2012 or things have gotten worse and your wishing you had listened and voted for Paul in 2012
Either way it's time to vote for Paul
Happy 2016


RIU Bulldog
Just getting an early start on things
Let me be the the first to say- look around, either things are going so well your noticing the improvements and your grateful we elected Ron Paul in 2012 or things have gotten worse and your wishing you had listened and voted for Paul in 2012
Either way it's time to vote for Paul
Happy 2016
He might have a chance in 2016.......unless he's still crazy.....


Well-Known Member
Lol, at least Ron Paul would have a chance to do something different.

What has Obama done that is tangible and real except increase your country's national debt?


Well-Known Member
The issue with 2016 is that what if another republican beats obama in 2012...i doubt you'd see another republican on the ballot other than whoever won in 2012...unless ron paul ran as an independent...and lost...again...due to lack of funding...etc...


Well-Known Member
Lets see Ron Paul is 76 right? he can still remember what government programs he wants to cut Unlike Rick Perry , and he knows what civil liberties are unlike Mitt Romney, and he knows why he disagreed with Obama on our involvement with overthrowing a libyan dictator unlike Herman Cain.
He seems to be doing pretty well for his age.


Well-Known Member
Why dont you turn off AM radio and Fox news and find out?
We don't have Fox over here, all our tv and radio is "non-Partisan" in the American sense...and it portrays Obama exactly as he is... smooth talking but ultimately useless when it comes to reality and practicality.


Well-Known Member
Lol, at least Ron Paul would have a chance to do something different.

What has Obama done that is tangible and real except increase your country's national debt?
Besides the thousands of dollars of tax breaks, my wife being able to purchase health insurance, her birth control being covered, and a quicker commute into town with less wasted gas, he ain't done jackshit.


New Member
Wall street reform
Consumer protection Agency
Made an Oil COmpany clean up their mess
Killed Many terrorists
Got rid of a Dictator whom we been after for 25 years without the loss of a single american life
Got our respect back worldwide after the Cowboy who had shoes thrown at him destroy our reputation for 8 years

And he admits to actually smoking pot when he was younger


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you voted for Bush
If they are no different Why didnt you Vote for Obama?

Was it the Dark Skin?

Jeez guy, I live in one of the most racist states in the country and you're quicker to pull the race card than anybody i have ever met here. Probably makes me a racist just for living here, to you.

I never once voted Bush and i hate Obama just as equal. Unlike Bush, i actually voted for Obama. Won't make that mistake again.


Well-Known Member
Jeez guy, I live in one of the most racist states in the country and you're quicker to pull the race card than anybody i have ever met here. Probably makes me a racist just for living here, to you.

I never once voted Bush and i hate Obama just as equal. Unlike Bush, i actually voted for Obama. Won't make that mistake again.
race card? more like normal question........