Ron Paul 2016


New Member
Jeez guy, I live in one of the most racist states in the country and you're quicker to pull the race card than anybody i have ever met here. Probably makes me a racist just for living here, to you.

I never once voted Bush and i hate Obama just as equal. Unlike Bush, i actually voted for Obama. Won't make that mistake again.
Not liberal enough for you?
Didnt go all cindy sheehan?
What exactly is your problem with Obama?


Well-Known Member
race card? more like normal question........
When the hell does he not bring up race?

Not liberal enough for you?
Didnt go all cindy sheehan?
What exactly is your problem with Obama?
Lmao! Cindy Sheehan. Obama is an utter failure.

Seriously bud, if you did not like Bush, but do like Obama then you are obviously so blinded by that little "D" by his name that you cannot see the reality of his presidency!

Obama campainged against Bushs Administration but every negative aspect has resurfaced 10 fold under the Obama Administation.

AIG bailout
Distribution of TARP funds
Converting federal loans to common stock
Lack of promised transperancy
Lied about removing earmarks
Obama Care
Failed to keep Fed out of legal medical marijauna
Rediculous appointment of "czars"
Operation Fast and Furious
Habeas Corpus
CIA Rendition
Renewed The Patriot Act
Failed to provide tax cuts for businesses
Failed to end Bush tax cuts
Hypocrite who promotes "green this, green that" but flies on earthday...
Rediculous amounts of golf!
Gave a DVD set to the English Prime Minister!!!! (in the wrong format too thanks for embarrassing every american)

Need I continue?? Because I could go on all day. You are a hypocritcal moron if you logically approve of Obama and not Bush.


Well-Known Member
When the hell does he not bring up race?

Lmao! Cindy Sheehan. Obama is an utter failure.

Seriously bud, if you did not like Bush, but do like Obama then you are obviously so blinded by that little "D" by his name that you cannot see the reality of his presidency!

Obama campainged against Bushs Administration but every negative aspect has resurfaced 10 fold under the Obama Administation.

AIG bailout
Distribution of TARP funds
Converting federal loans to common stock
Lack of promised transperancy
Lied about removing earmarks
Obama Care
Failed to keep Fed out of legal medical marijauna
Rediculous appointment of "czars"
Operation Fast and Furious
Habeas Corpus
CIA Rendition
Renewed The Patriot Act
Failed to provide tax cuts for businesses
Failed to end Bush tax cuts
Hypocrite who promotes "green this, green that" but flies on earthday...
Rediculous amounts of golf!
Gave a DVD set to the English Prime Minister!!!! (in the wrong format too thanks for embarrassing every american)

Need I continue?? Because I could go on all day. You are a hypocritcal moron if you logically approve of Obama and not Bush.


Well-Known Member
When the hell does he not bring up race?

Lmao! Cindy Sheehan. Obama is an utter failure.

Seriously bud, if you did not like Bush, but do like Obama then you are obviously so blinded by that little "D" by his name that you cannot see the reality of his presidency!

Obama campainged against Bushs Administration but every negative aspect has resurfaced 10 fold under the Obama Administation.

AIG bailout
Distribution of TARP funds
Converting federal loans to common stock
Lack of promised transperancy
Lied about removing earmarks
Obama Care
Failed to keep Fed out of legal medical marijauna
Rediculous appointment of "czars"
Operation Fast and Furious
Habeas Corpus
CIA Rendition
Renewed The Patriot Act
Failed to provide tax cuts for businesses
Failed to end Bush tax cuts
Hypocrite who promotes "green this, green that" but flies on earthday...
Rediculous amounts of golf!
Gave a DVD set to the English Prime Minister!!!! (in the wrong format too thanks for embarrassing every american)

Need I continue?? Because I could go on all day. You are a hypocritcal moron if you logically approve of Obama and not Bush.
the 787$ billion dollar stimulus bill would have happened no matter who was sitting in the big chair. maybe not on the dollar exact. but it would have happened. both parties agreed on that. as for the TARP, im assuming you believe the american government owns the economy or some shit.......when in fact obama set up a committee to make sure there wasn't any funny business being done. our domestic oil production has risen since he took office. he pushes clean energy because its a market for fucking jobs ya tard. theres countries in the world that get less sunlight than the US and are way ahead of us in green energy, were capable. would you expect him to fucking walk on earthday? and if your another moron who think AIG should have failed and everything would have been fine than you need to do some homework. its not that simple.


Well-Known Member
the 787$ billion dollar stimulus bill would have happened no matter who was sitting in the big chair. maybe not on the dollar exact. but it would have happened. both parties agreed on that. as for the TARP, im assuming you believe the american government owns the economy or some shit.......when in fact obama set up a committee to make sure there wasn't any funny business being done. our domestic oil production has risen since he took office. he pushes clean energy because its a market for fucking jobs ya tard. theres countries in the world that get less sunlight than the US and are way ahead of us in green energy, were capable. would you expect dhim to fucking walk on earthday? and if your another moron who think AIG should have failed and everything would have been fine than you need to do some homedwork. its not that simple.

No shit it would of happened no matter who was in office, the president is just a PR man. Everything goes as planned no matter who is in the chair. Unless Ron Paul thats why they don't want him there! Obama stated "I want to be held accountable" so im fucking holding him to it, maybe you should do the same.

Yeah your assuming alright. Im talking about banks being forced to receive TARP funds, which Bush did if i recall, obama not being too eagar to collect as well as giving AIG shit tons of TARP money.

Green energy jobs where??? Where they at? Where are any jobs at??? Oh thats right, Obama hasn't done shit for jobs other than bump his dick suckers about the need for jobs. No I don't expect him to fucking walk, what kind of retarded ass assumtion is that? I do, however, expect a high profile figure, who states participation in a day to not pollute the Earth so much, to not plan on burning jet fuel in his plane all damn day! Take the day off! Fuck whats one more day playing golf? He already spent more time golfing than Bush in 8 years. Says alot about ones character. Something you must choose to ignore.

I took economics in college, you? If we would have let the free market do its thing already we would already be in recovery instead of still fighting to keep our heads above water. Pretty simple logic, unless you're one of the dumbasses that think we can spend our way out of this.

Keep assuming shit, it cracks me up! Especially when you call me the "tard" afterward. That list is so vague and void of explaination its a wonder how you assumed so much of me. ;-)


Well-Known Member
No shit it would of happened no matter who was in office, the president is just a PR man. Everything goes as planned no matter who is in the chair. Unless Ron Paul thats why they don't want him there! Obama stated "I want to be held accountable" so im fucking holding him to it, maybe you should do the same.

Yeah your assuming alright. Im talking about banks being forced to receive TARP funds, which Bush did if i recall, obama not being too eagar to collect as well as giving AIG shit tons of TARP money.

Green energy jobs where??? Where they at? Where are any jobs at??? Oh thats right, Obama hasn't done shit for jobs other than bump his dick suckers about the need for jobs. No I don't expect him to fucking walk, what kind of retarded ass assumtion is that? I do, however, expect a high profile figure, who states participation in a day to not pollute the Earth so much, to not plan on burning jet fuel in his plane all damn day! Take the day off! Fuck whats one more day playing golf? He already spent more time golfing than Bush in 8 years. Says alot about ones character. Something you must choose to ignore.

I took economics in college, you? If we would have let the free market do its thing already we would already be in recovery instead of still fighting to keep our heads above water. Pretty simple logic, unless you're one of the dumbasses that think we can spend our way out of this.

Keep assuming shit, it cracks me up! Especially when you call me the "tard" afterward. That list is so vague and void of explaination its a wonder how you assumed so much of me. ;-)
it would all be so perfect...

if only ron paul were president.




Well-Known Member
it would all be so perfect...

if only ron paul were president.



Lol. To be honest, if he were actually elected i don't think a damn thing would get done. Nobody would cooperate with him probably. I will still vote for him anyway. Way better the all the other jagoff sleeze balls.


Well-Known Member
Lol. To be honest, if he were actually elected i don't think a damn thing would get done. Nobody would cooperate with him probably. I will still vote for him anyway. Way better the all the other jagoff sleeze balls.
i always make sure to root for the most ineffectual candidate possible. :roll:

who needs all these tax breaks we got from obama?


King Tut
Lol. To be honest, if he were actually elected i don't think a damn thing would get done. Nobody would cooperate with him probably. I will still vote for him anyway. Way better the all the other jagoff sleeze balls.
It seems as though the establishment has ruled that he with the biggest gun rules.


New Member
When the hell does he not bring up race?

Lmao! Cindy Sheehan. Obama is an utter failure.

Seriously bud, if you did not like Bush, but do like Obama then you are obviously so blinded by that little "D" by his name that you cannot see the reality of his presidency!

Obama campainged against Bushs Administration but every negative aspect has resurfaced 10 fold under the Obama Administation.

AIG bailout <---Bush
Distribution of TARP funds <
Converting federal loans to common stock <----Getting our money back with interest and more
Lack of promised transperancy <------Why dont you watch C Span
Lied about removing earmarks <-----how can he remove Earmarks from bills? He doesnt have Line item Veto Power
Obama Care <----- He passed what got thru
Failed to keep Fed out of legal medical marijauna <---He is keeping the Fed out of "medical marijuana" the DEA is going after profit hungery Drug Dealers
Rediculous appointment of "czars" <------- Really?
Operation Fast and Furious <----Yeah thats a fuck up. Do you thing the ATF told anyone about the program they started under Bush?
GITMO <----- Blocked by Republicans. They bragged about it
Habeas Corpus
Libyia <----Good job
Pakistan <------What do you want to do about pakistan?
Afghanistan <---- we are leaving
Iraq <--- we are leaving
Somolia <--------- We Kill Pirates
CIA Rendition <----Bush
TSA <------- Yeah lets get rid of the TSA so terrorists can take down more planes
Renewed The Patriot Act <------Parts of it that shouldnt affect you unless you are an International terrorist
Failed to provide tax cuts for businesses <--------------Small business got more new tax cuts than Bush ever Provided in 8 years
Failed to end Bush tax cuts <------Republicans Held Unemployment compensation Hostage to get that
Hypocrite who promotes "green this, green that" but flies on earthday... <-----SHould he have walked across the country?
Rediculous amounts of golf!
Gave a DVD set to the English Prime Minister!!!! (in the wrong format too thanks for embarrassing every american)

Need I continue?? Because I could go on all day. You are a hypocritcal moron if you logically approve of Obama and not Bush.

So basically You hate the Black Guy in office


Well-Known Member
i always make sure to root for the most ineffectual candidate possible. :roll:

who needs all these tax breaks we got from obama?
Better than casting for the candidate who lies through his teeth to get your vote, then abandons you while bending over for the establishment. At least Paul is a man of his word. But hey, dont let stupid shit like consistancy and integrity influence your vote! Gotta vote for the popular kids!

What tax break? Small businesses are taxed so much it is almost not even worth running your own company. I have yet to see a tax break. In fact, taxes for my business are killing me. Workers comp taxes, matching weekly payroll taxes, fed income tax, state tax, on top of soaring material prices(stainless steel has risen %150) and fuel. Where is that tax break per employee for small businesses that Obama promised? I just paid $2100 out of my own pocket for last quarterly income taxes. Sure thing uncle sam, let me go slave some more and hope to have another extra $2100 right after Christmas for you. I don't want to hear about fuckin tax breaks...get real, what a joke.

Please correct me if im wrong, but you grow for a living, correct? Pretty low overhead, no employees to match taxes on, workers comp tax, don't burn fuel commuting to work. Must be pretty nice. I would love to sit at home and watch my plants grow. Not being sarcastic.


Well-Known Member
i always make sure to root for the most ineffectual candidate possible. :roll:

who needs all these tax breaks we got from obama?
Yeah Tax breaks are what you need, especially when youve already got a massive budget deficit, that's a genius plan right there, the Government is broke but they'll take less money ;)

Its ok tho, you'll all have loads of dollars when they become worthless cos noone believes America can pay its debts anymore.


New Member
What tax break? Small businesses are taxed so much it is almost not even worth running your own company. I have yet to see a tax break. In fact, taxes for my business are killing me. Workers comp taxes, matching weekly payroll taxes, fed income tax, state tax, on top of soaring material prices(stainless steel has risen %150) and fuel. Where is that tax break per employee for small businesses that Obama promised? I just paid $2100 out of my own pocket for last quarterly income taxes. Sure thing uncle sam, let me go slave some more and hope to have another extra $2100 right after Christmas for you. I don't want to hear about fuckin tax breaks...get real, what a joke.

Here's the full list:

From the Recovery Act, HIRE Acts, and Affordable Care Act:

1. A new small business health care tax credit

2. A new tax credit for hiring unemployed workers

3. Bonus depreciation tax incentives to support new investment

4. 75 percent exclusion of small business capital gains

5. Expansion of limits on small business expensing

6. Five-year carryback of net operating losses

7. Reduction of the built-in gains holding period for small businesses from 10 to 7 years to allow small business greater flexibility in their investments
8. Temporary small business estimated tax payment relief to allow small businesses to keep needed cash on hand

From the Small Business Jobs Act:

9. Zero capital gains taxes on key investments in small businesses

10. Raising the small business expensing to $500,000

11. An extension of 50 percent bonus depreciation

12. A new deduction for health care expenses for the self-employed

13. Tax relief and simplification for cell phone deductions

14. An increase in the deduction for entrepreneurs&#8217; start-up expenses

15. A five-year carryback of general business credits

16. Limitations on penalties for errors in tax reporting that disproportionately affect small business

And from the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act:

17. 100 percent expensing


Well-Known Member
When the hell does he not bring up race?

Lmao! Cindy Sheehan. Obama is an utter failure.

Seriously bud, if you did not like Bush, but do like Obama then you are obviously so blinded by that little "D" by his name that you cannot see the reality of his presidency!

Obama campainged against Bushs Administration but every negative aspect has resurfaced 10 fold under the Obama Administation.

AIG bailout <---Bush < I stated that in the following post, obama gave them another 51 billion
Distribution of TARP funds <
Converting federal loans to common stock <----Getting our money back with interest and more < Ever so slowly, remind me again how much is still outstanding?
Lack of promised transperancy <------Why dont you watch C Span <Why don't you come up with a real comment?
Lied about removing earmarks <-----how can he remove Earmarks from bills? He doesnt have Line item Veto Power <His exact words were, "
“If my administration evaluates an earmark and determines that it has no legitimate public purpose, we will seek to eliminate it, and we will work with Congress to do so." followed by "So let there be no doubt: this piece of legislation must mark an end to the old way of doing business, and the beginning of a new era of responsibility and accountability that the American people have every right to expect and to demand." His legislation literally had thousands. Guess you just gotta give him an "A" for effort, right?
Obama Care <----- He passed what got thru <In which I object to, simple
Failed to keep Fed out of legal medical marijauna <---He is keeping the Fed out of "medical marijuana" the DEA is going after profit hungery Drug Dealers <Tell that to all the legal operations currently being raided and shutdown
Rediculous appointment of "czars" <------- Really? < Yeah really. They are unconstitutional. Bet you can't wait until that pesky little thing is gone huh?
Operation Fast and Furious <----Yeah thats a fuck up. Do you thing the ATF told anyone about the program they started under Bush? <sigh. If you think Obama, Nepo and Holder didn't know then you're lost. I can't help you.
GITMO <----- Blocked by Republicans. They bragged about it
Habeas Corpus
Libyia <----Good job <Sure if you believe in wasting more money and resources to kill another "bad guy". Can't believe you fall for that shit lmao
Pakistan <------What do you want to do about pakistan?
Afghanistan <---- we are leaving <Tell that to my next group of brother being shipped over
Iraq <--- we are leaving <See above. we will never leave!
Somolia <--------- We Kill Pirates <We killed 3. To make a statement.
CIA Rendition <----Bush
TSA <------- Yeah lets get rid of the TSA so terrorists can take down more planes <What's wrong Chicken Little? Afraid the big bad tewwowwist is gonna come get you? Keep drinkin' that kool-aide! Fool. You deserve no freedom after that comment.
Renewed The Patriot Act <------Parts of it that shouldnt affect you unless you are an International terrorist <
Failed to provide tax cuts for businesses <--------------Small business got more new tax cuts than Bush ever Provided in 8 years <Sure haven't seen them here, must be my field of work then, right? Companies taxes have remained the same since Bush, high as fuck.
Failed to end Bush tax cuts <------Republicans Held Unemployment compensation Hostage to get that <Obama kissed their ass
Hypocrite who promotes "green this, green that" but flies on earthday... <-----SHould he have walked across the country? < Nice smart ass assumption. Maybe if you would have read the following posts you would have seen your buddy already said the same dumbass comment.
Rediculous amounts of golf!
Gave a DVD set to the English Prime Minister!!!! (in the wrong format too thanks for embarrassing every american)

Need I continue?? Because I could go on all day. You are a hypocritcal moron if you logically approve of Obama and not Bush.

So basically You hate the Black Guy in office
Why do you have to mention the pigment of his skin, huh? I didn't. Unless you can't see past that.

You should probably switch bait, fish ain't biting. So 08 tactics.


Well-Known Member
Better than casting for the candidate who lies through his teeth to get your vote, then abandons you while bending over for the establishment.
he promised tax breaks for 95% of americans, and we got them. i got thousands. i invested the money into big fancy lights. those tax breaks are STILL paying me back.

he promised to end health insurers from barring people with pre-existing conditions, like my wife. he did. my wife can now buy her own health insurance.

he directed eric holder to issue the holder memo, backing the feds off of LEGAL growers who are IN COMPLIANCE with state laws. care to name me a few examples of perfectly legal operations being raided? the few raids that have happened here were at the behest of a separate memo sent out by the STATE AG's and has resulted in the bust of two dispensaries peddling crap meds for about twice the going rate in these parts. before that, they busted a chick who had 210 pounds of weed on her farm in southern oregon.

don't piss on my feet and tell me it's pissing outside.

At least Paul is a man of his word. But hey, dont let stupid shit like consistancy and integrity influence your vote! Gotta vote for the popular kids!
ron paul wants to abolish public education. he would be in lockstep with the right on issues that would DENY my wife the ability to buy her own insurance or make her own decisions if she ever became pregnant.

no thanks.

What tax break?
making work pay, exempting the first $2400 of UI, and a number of others. just type in "american recovery and reinvestment act wiki" as i don't have the patience to inform you of the very legislation you are deriding blindly.

Small businesses are taxed so much it is almost not even worth running your own company. I have yet to see a tax break. In fact, taxes for my business are killing me. Workers comp taxes, matching weekly payroll taxes, fed income tax, state tax, on top of soaring material prices(stainless steel has risen %150) and fuel. Where is that tax break per employee for small businesses that Obama promised?
probably got blocked by the righties in the house and senate. they hate it when obama gives tax breaks. tax breaks are only good when THEY give them :roll:

I just paid $2100 out of my own pocket for last quarterly income taxes. Sure thing uncle sam, let me go slave some more and hope to have another extra $2100 right after Christmas for you. I don't want to hear about fuckin tax breaks...get real, what a joke.
takes money to make money, long time principle called "the cost of doing business". you can pay a X to make Y>X, or you could go galt and make nothing and let another capitalist take your place (and they will).

Please correct me if im wrong, but you grow for a living, correct? Pretty low overhead, no employees to match taxes on, workers comp tax, don't burn fuel commuting to work. Must be pretty nice. I would love to sit at home and watch my plants grow. Not being sarcastic.
it is nice, but there are many costs and lots of labor involved. i do often call in employees to help, but since the government does not approve of what i do, i am not allowed to pay all the taxes that i would gladly pay in exchange for legitimacy.

i still end up paying them in a roundabout fashion, as i can not leave the house for even a day without having someone stay here (you don't leave those lights on unattended unless you are a daredevil). so imagine being tethered to your house with a hefty price to pay anytime you want to leave for even a day. hence why i am home alone on thanksgiving as my family in arizona and evergreen gorges themselves.

i have no idea what i'm gonna do for christmas, either. operations will be in full swing then and i have NO ONE that is able to look after things here for the 5+ days i will be away. it's not quite as easy as it appears at first glance.

Matt Rize

Breaking News in from the AP: Ron Paul pooped his pants because he is so old he can't control is BMs anymore. Tax breaks for Depends brand Diapers! :-P


Well-Known Member
Jessie Ventura comments on the supercongress failure,two party sham.Ron Paul,etc.