Ron Paul bet!


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see very many posts about Newt Or Mitt. This is why I want this bet as there are way to damn many posts about Ron on here and I am just tired of seeing them. Of course, let's see what type of people you are when he loses, if you keep your word.

I support Ron paul but to pick sides off of one site is ignorant. I am just saying do look up who you support before voting. Obama does have some ideology but it is no way playable with our current econmy.

my favorite motto : "Thinking is heavily endorsed"


Well-Known Member
"Second, I don't vote and I have never registered. Therefore it's really not hard for me to vote for Ron Paul as I don't give a shit and my one vote wouldn't do shit either way. "

First of all let me say that I agree that Ron Paul will not be our next President or the one after that. His message reaches a lot of the younger generation as well as the people who want to legalize MJ. Second of all I will say that you are not the only ONE that says and thinks the way you do regarding your voting not to count. If even HALF of the people that thought like you voted, it WOULD make a major difference. It would be beneficial to you to get out of that mindset regardless of who you want to vote for. One of the reasons this country is in as big of a mess as it is in right now is because people don't care what this country becomes. And SINCE you don't vote and obviously don't care what happens to this country, what brings you to the Political room?? Just askin'.
Aw, you're so cute! You honestly think you make a difference!


New Member
This bet nearly just became 50/50, yesterday we found that newt and the others became disqualified in many states, leaving the only choice being Romney or Paul


Well-Known Member
I'm astonished with Ron Paul supporters. The willingness to trade your freedom of speech for somebodies "word" is as naive as the people who say the Patriot Act doesn't bother them because "they have nothing to hide."

OP: I'm sorry, but Ron Paul doesn't need your vote in exchange for silence of a political movement. Just eat the words that are presented to you and do what you please with the information presented to you. Happy Winter Solstice.


New Member
Yes I retract my bet, I wasn't going to go through with it anyway...Ron Paul won't be the main discussion anyway obviously... but I will still write his name if absolutely necessary :) :)

Your vote is just not worth it sorry
If I could vote I would vote for Ron Paul. Those who vote do NOT decide who's president. Those who COUNT the votes will make that decision.The ultra rich SOCIALISTS will keep Obama bin Lie'n in the puppet orfice. ROFLMFAO.