Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...

No, it is quite clearly true...


It might be nitpicking but I posted the reason for the thread and redirected you to it.

Dont worry, Ron Paul's foreign policy involves hiding under a blanket. He doesnt need to know anything about those "other" people....'re either stubborn or just plain trolling. I'll go with trolling seeing the point of the thread. That's not nitpicking, that's twisting things to conform to your argument. We aided the unnamed group that came to be known as the Taliban, in which we continued to fund and aid.... You're wrong.

Done arguing this. I bid you good day. Time to get my eats on!
In all fairness we did not expect them (the muhajadeen) to turn around and stab us in the back as the taliban did. Russia invaded we helped, then they sponsered a terror orginization who attacked us. That sounds pike great people, and it also doesn't jive with the whole they just want people off of their land. They had to know there would be repercussions to 9-11 but now we are supposed to take them at their word that it won't happen again? It just doesn't seem like this side has even been thought about.
Which part is crazy? The taliban did not exist in 1994 and Ron Paul thinks it did.

Me being a douche doesnt have any bearing on the debate.
The same people involved with the Taliban also fought against Russia. True, Mujahadeen would have been more accurate or a he could have mentioned the connection of same people himself. The main point Paul made was they just want everyone out of their country.

Saw someone else posted this, wasn't piling on.
In all fairness we did not expect them (the muhajadeen) to turn around and stab us in the back as the taliban did. Russia invaded we helped, then they sponsered a terror orginization who attacked us. That sounds pike great people, and it also doesn't jive with the whole they just want people off of their land. They had to know there would be repercussions to 9-11 but now we are supposed to take them at their word that it won't happen again? It just doesn't seem like this side has even been thought about.
Dont most stab us in the back? Even Israel wants us out of their country. Although that's not stabbing us in the back necessarily.
We also gave al-Qaeda aid during the Balkan War. So the USA does have a history of supporting terrorist groups during wars. This was during 1991 and we aided Osama Bin Laden and Islamic terrorist groups.
The name of the enemy is not important so long as the public believes that there is an enemy. A little research and intelligence would lead most sane human beings to the conclusion that the United States government which is run by corporate, banking, and military interests is the biggest threat to the safety of all people not just in this country but throughout the world. An interesting thought do you think the government does/will view posts and threads like this one with this new NDAA-SOPA-PIPA legislation??? Something tells me we are all going to land our names in an NSA database; that is if we haven't already.
Sorry, but you are very much incorrect that the US "could not have" funded the the Taliban. Its not even a disputed issue. While you have your Russian withdrawal/Taliban founding timeline correct, still, the US funded its creation, using the ISI as a proxy for funds and organization. Its just not at all a disputed issue--- in the least. Nor does anyone that actually knows anything about the issue doubt the ISI has been anything less than a proxy for CIA in all matters for decades now.
Well he may be on those committees but apparently he doesnt attend the meetings... LOL!!!

He talks about the Taliban being our friends when we were fighting Russia when the Taliban was not even formed until 1994... ROFLMFAO!!! He is fucking clueless. Maybe he sleeps in class...

Hmm I do believe the talibans roots are from the Mujahideen during the soviet afghan war which Ron reg once praised as freedom fighters. And before 911 afghans were like the Americans other Arabic buddy's the saudis. Its funny that the idea of modern jihad was militarized by the USA and all the fundamentalism extremism was fostered by the Reagan doctrine. Ron Paul is the first politician that I've heard openly talk about the link between terrorism and our western world
Sorry, but you are very much incorrect that the US "could not have" funded the the Taliban. Its not even a disputed issue. While you have your Russian withdrawal/Taliban founding timeline correct, still, the US funded its creation, using the ISI as a proxy for funds and organization. Its just not at all a disputed issue--- in the least. Nor does anyone that actually knows anything about the issue doubt the ISI has been anything less than a proxy for CIA in all matters for decades now.

Man you are fucked in the head USA trained the mujahideen and if you say direct funds were never allocated to the Taliban the USA openly traded with Saudis for oil and who was the biggest supporter of afghan freedom fighters besides USA and Pakistan is the Saudis 90's bush loved the saudis
The US might have funded a group that possibly and even likely eventually became the Taliban. However, it was a new group with new goals and new organization in 1991.

So, again... You cannot fund a group that doesnt exist.
So let me get this straight a group that uses fundamental extremist to fight a western super power on the base of religion and is funded by other groups that benefit from their prolonged warfare is a completely different situation. Your ignorance is comprehendible smh.
Apparently I have stumbled on an Enclave of people of the internet who have no concept of what a timeline is...

Google can save you...
ron paul seems like the ONLY non corporate minded candidate running for pres
read up about how the media have been ignoring him & discrediting him. its so obvious they see him as a threat to the whole system. the guys views on iraq, drugs, banking system are spot on.. everything he says in general makes sense. forget how old he is, the guy is a good person that i think could atually change the world. the whole media (us & uk) is not in favour of the peoples best interest but infact just a corporate machine trying to get there next puppet at the top so he can fuck the economy and declair war wherever possible.

sorry for my crap grammer but im stoned and i love ron paul :)
No disrespect but his policies are great, and frankly I find it quite disturbing that you would want to kill a ton of people with no morral imperative going into it. Lets just keep killing innocent people is what you are saying? If I broke in your home and you shot me dead it is ok, but if our country invades and occupies a part of another country for no reason but to push its muscle, thats just sad. As for saying the "what if were attacked?".....recall 9-11? Apparently if a few guys with box cutters can take over and so forth than do you seriously think he could do any worse? No! And again, we invaded them centuries ago first, so we started this mess, and thats why Ron Paul says what he does, because its the truth. You can keep hating on him for no real reason, could care less, because if anyone took their time and checked things out it would appear we have a better shot with his methods. The killing on both sides is just sad and the ones with that kind of mentailty need to go over there and betting you wouldnt even make. Its easy to talk trash, but harder to change and know theres more to life than this garbage.