Ron Paul on Leno tonight!


Well-Known Member
If you support him,tell a friend. He is on the tonight show with Jay Leno, tonight Tuesday. the 30th.
Go Ron!!!!


Well-Known Member
Damn. I don't like to hear that, I'm Pacific time and still waiting to see it.
Are you a Paul supporter?
I'm not backing anyone yet, I don't know enough about the candidates yet.

The interview was 4 questions and 1 of em was would you accept being vice president.


Well-Known Member
I thought he did a good job. I wish they would of asked him more questions tho...He was only on for a couple minutes. But at least it was a chance to get his name and ideas out there. I think a lot of Americans still don't know who he is.


Well-Known Member
I thought he did a good job. I wish they would of asked him more questions tho...He was only on for a couple minutes. But at least it was a chance to get his name and ideas out there. I think a lot of Americans still don't know who he is.
I agree, he just converted my older brother with this one interview...
Go Ron!


New Member
It was much too short and not enough questions about what he intends to do if elected. Closing down the IRS makes him popular with the voters, but paints a target on him from the FED. The most appealing thing for me is his shutting down the war and removing troops from all other countries and completely revamping foriegn policy, this also paints a large target on him from all the war contractors and munitions mfgrs. His survival rate if elected, I'd surmise, would be in the low single digits.


Well-Known Member
You know the guy talks a great game, but the office of the president does not have the power to dismantle the IRS. If he trys to do any of the things he says he's going to do, Congress will stop him.


Well-Known Member
You know the guy talks a great game, but the office of the president does not have the power to dismantle the IRS. If he trys to do any of the things he says he's going to do, Congress will stop him.
to build a house you have to drive a lot of nails. sometimes you have to hit the nails several times but you just keep pounding until you're all done. at least Ron Paul will pick up the hammer and start swinging - there's a lot of work to do.



New Member
to build a house you have to drive a lot of nails. sometimes you have to hit the nails several times but you just keep pounding until you're all done. at least Ron Paul will pick up the hammer and start swinging - there's a lot of work to do.

I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure he'd hit his thumb a few times with that hammer and the really bad news is, someone would hit him in the head with it.


Well-Known Member
I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure he'd hit his thumb a few times with that hammer and the really bad news is, someone would hit him in the head with it.
he knows what he's in for. he's been mocked and smeared for 20 something years by the professional liars in public office but he's never given in. somebody has to start swinging, busted thumbs, blisters and all.
