Ron Paul Revolution


Well-Known Member
If you stand in front of a mirror and ask that person to confirm your beliefs, then you are just another idiot. If you actually listen to what the other side has to say before you declare victory and a logical conclusion, then you have entered the arena of reason. Your logic consists of your one sided view and any others are inconsequential. I suggest you take a course in deductive reasoning and understanding of opposing viewpoints. A closed mind is a very "selfish" entity, and it certainly appears that you have one closed tighter than a bulls ass at fly time,~LOL~.
i'm reading and writing to a man who: walked on water, believes Karl Marx was onto something, believes that hillary is the lesser of two evils - of anything including Satan himself, thinks Bill had nothing to do with Waco, doesn't count the thousands of soldiers who died in combat under Bill, and wants "free" health care from the federal government - but i'm closed minded! lol

i have always been quite interested in other perspectives and i've always tried to be respectful - even when the other perspective seems silly at first. i pride myself in the broad array of different men who i have been able to converse with during my life because to me the pursuit of understanding has been paramount. whether i am right or wrong is inconsequential, the truth is the ultimate authority. the truth is, every thought must serve a purpose. there is a conclusion that must be drawn from every train of thought - without that the thought is nothing but self indulgence... mental masturbation. many times people come to this board and post half baked thoughts but they take their beating and go on with a lesson. you just keep puking out the same stuff.

if i don't agree that government can magically transform into an efficient, effective entity that can safely manage the health care of a few hundred million people, despite the historical fact that government has never managed anything well, you think i'm closed minded. i am close minded when things are over. this issue is over. there is no basis to consider it. there is no reason to think about it.



New Member
i'm reading and writing to a man who: walked on water, believes Karl Marx was onto something, believes that hillary is the lesser of two evils - of anything including Satan himself, thinks Bill had nothing to do with Waco, doesn't count the thousands of soldiers who died in combat under Bill, and wants "free" health care from the federal government - but i'm closed minded! lol

i have always been quite interested in other perspectives and i've always tried to be respectful - even when the other perspective seems silly at first. i pride myself in the broad array of different men who i have been able to converse with during my life because to me the pursuit of understanding has been paramount. whether i am right or wrong is inconsequential, the truth is the ultimate authority. the truth is, every thought must serve a purpose. there is a conclusion that must be drawn from every train of thought - without that the thought is nothing but self indulgence... mental masturbation. many times people come to this board and post half baked thoughts but they take their beating and go on with a lesson. you just keep puking out the same stuff.

if i don't agree that government can magically transform into an efficient, effective entity that can safely manage the health care of a few hundred million people, despite the historical fact that government has never managed anything well, you think i'm closed minded. i am close minded when things are over. this issue is over. there is no basis to consider it. there is no reason to think about it.

Let me try and understand this bullshit you have just spewed, I'm puking out the same bullshit and you have taken an entirely objective and "correct" view because you have listened to many other persons and garnered this view of government and the world in general. I'm too obtuse to understand logic (Your logic) so therefore, this conversation is over. Well that is just dandy. I guess you at 30 something have all the wisdom and I at 60 something am a retard. Geeze I didn't know it worked that way. Maybe I stand on my principles because I've seen much more than you and have made a choice to pick the lessor of the evils, while you in all your self righteousnous declare that you and only you have the answers, You are right this conversation is over, I can't stand your pomposity.


Well-Known Member
Let me try and understand this bullshit you have just spewed, I'm puking out the same bullshit and you have taken an entirely objective and "correct" view because you have listened to many other persons and garnered this view of government and the world in general. I'm too obtuse to understand logic (Your logic) so therefore, this conversation is over. Well that is just dandy. I guess you at 30 something have all the wisdom and I at 60 something am a retard. Geeze I didn't know it worked that way. Maybe I stand on my principles because I've seen much more than you and have made a choice to pick the lessor of the evils, while you in all your self righteousnous declare that you and only you have the answers, You are right this conversation is over, I can't stand your pomposity.
i'm not saying i'm more wise than you, i'm saying you are intentionally ignoring facts. that means you're voluntarily ignorant, not retarded.

you just want to be hard headed and that's fine but don't expect me to dismiss reality for the sake of your ego.



New Member
i'm not saying i'm more wise than you, i'm saying you are intentionally ignoring facts. that means you're voluntarily ignorant, not retarded.

you just want to be hard headed and that's fine but don't expect me to dismiss reality for the sake of your ego.

What reality are you espousing, your reality or "reality". You have read me quite wrong. There are few areas where I give government a pass. One of them just happens to be in an expanded human resourses arena. I feel the government can and will do a better job providing medical than the for profit onclaves have provided, Yeah if you are rich or have excellent Med ins. (an oxymoron), why worry, but if you have neither, (And I have espoused many times Mine is sufficient so it is not about me) you my friend are up the proverbial shit creek. Maybe because you have such a "good med ins" package you look down on those with shitty (Walmart) ins and those with none, I on the other hand find it extremely selfish to maintain that position. Set up independent auditors to hold their feet to the fire, I'm positive if 19 other 1st world countries can provide comprehensive medical, we could and should.


Well-Known Member
i have yet to find one example in history where the federal government was able to effectively manage any sizable task that involves money, people and time sensitive problems.

you call me a dreamer for supporting a man who has decades worth of integrity and principals yet you will say that you "feel" government can handle health care for hundreds of millions of people despite the fact that they can't even protect a well marked, easily accessible piece of land on our border?

government simply is not capable of this task and that's the nature of the beast. you can't scale up, you scale down. have you ever seen a pyramid that stood on it's apex? that's what you think government can do. this has to be broken down to bite size pieces for the states to manage whenever private companies can't afford to cover certain people. the states can consolidate them into a "group" and regulate the conditions. the federal government has no business in this. no business at all.

the sooner we quit pretending that federal government should be involved in this thing the sooner we can actually get to work on a real solution that actually consists of something meaningful. making this into a free goody bag for president issue is endangering people and causing unneeded suffering.



New Member
Great debate guys. If it were a football game, the score would be 7x 100 ... Med Zero.


PS: Med ... you age has nothing to do with your ability to be logical. If one lives 60 years, but just repeats the same year over and over, it amounts to a hill of beans.


New Member
Great debate guys. If it were a football game, the score would be 7x 100 ... Med Zero.


PS: Med ... you age has nothing to do with your ability to be logical. If one lives 60 years, but just repeats the same year over and over, it amounts to a hill of beans.
So since your position never changes, I guess you are on top of that hill, eh?
You repeat your viscious rhetoric against the poor, calling them commies and lazy dolts. I'll bet there are plenty of poor people that would like to teach you a few manners.

As far as the universal health care working in other 1st world countries, I believe I am correct and you are full of ,those beans,~LOL.


New Member
So since your position never changes, I guess you are on top of that hill, eh?
You repeat your viscious rhetoric against the poor, calling them commies and lazy dolts. I'll bet there are plenty of poor people that would like to teach you a few manners.

As far as the universal health care working in other 1st world countries, I believe I am correct and you are full of ,those beans,~LOL.
Show me one post that I've made ... just ONE, where I've called the poor commies and/or lazy dolts. You need to read my posts more carefully Med. I called YOU a commie, not the poor. ~lol~



Well-Known Member
this article made me lol!

Ron Paul, Fruitcake, By Kevin Drum - CBS News

Ron Paul supporters are "political infants", lol
Wow that's rediculous. I hope the majority of Americans don't fall for the media's blatant attempts to discredit Ron Paul. That's what makes me sick about politics in America. Perception is reality and the media controls people's perceptions. If they don't want a specific candidate to win, he stands very little chance because, again, the media controls what the masses percieve. Thank God we have the internet, though:mrgreen:. No doubt, many of us would probably not know who Ron Paul is.


Well-Known Member
Wow that's rediculous. I hope the majority of Americans don't fall for the media's blatant attempts to discredit Ron Paul. That's what makes me sick about politics in America. Perception is reality and the media controls people's perceptions. If they don't want a specific candidate to win, he stands very little chance because, again, the media controls what the masses percieve. Thank God we have the internet, though:mrgreen:. No doubt, many of us would probably not know who Ron Paul is.
Ron Paul is a libertarien in a republican suit. Libertarien dogma is mostly, simple macro-economics. People love to make things complicated. But our nation's problems are pretty simple. If we went to the pre WWII economics we would reduce, not eliminate, many social problems. Talking-head word merchants earn a living analyzing things that are too, complicated for the masses (aka stupid morons like most of us), to understand. That is why simple guys get beat with sticks by the CBS News Department. If life were simple we wouldn't need experts. Most of the CBS News Department would be out of work.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is a libertarien in a republican suit. Libertarien dogma is mostly, simple macro-economics. People love to make things complicated. But our nation's problems are pretty simple. If we went to the pre WWII economics we would reduce, not eliminate, many social problems. Talking-head word merchants earn a living analyzing things that are too, complicated for the masses (aka stupid morons like most of us), to understand. That is why simple guys get beat with sticks by the CBS News Department. If life were simple we wouldn't need experts. Most of the CBS News Department would be out of work.
even if you do compress the libertarian ideas into macro-economics, which is a fairly accurate approach (classic liberalism more so), you must agree that our current economic policies have us on the verge of a major disaster that will safely be "averted" by forming a north American union - which the neo-con/neo-libs will pull out of their hats at the last moment making them appear to be the heros of the day to the sheeple.

that's how they ran things to form the EU. they systematically destroyed the currency of the powerful countries while stabilizing or strengthening the currency of weaker countries.

while the US dollar is under full assault from the media, have you noticed that the Canadian dollar is getting good press lately? :)

if we want US and Canadian sovereignty, we must return to a hard currency now because they have the machine set on auto-pilot for NAU if we don't.



New Member
the light has come on!

still going to bow to that "lesser of two evils" mentality, med?

Look, if you cut corporate taxes, where do you think that money will come from, either they levy the middle class or increase the national debt for corporate welfare. Cutting corporate and business taxes is corporate welfare, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not get this.


Well-Known Member
Look, if you cut corporate taxes, where do you think that money will come from, either they levy the middle class or increase the national debt for corporate welfare. Cutting corporate and business taxes is corporate welfare, how fucking stupid do you have to be to not get this.
where will that money come from? lol, how about, where does it belong?! certainly not in the hands of a massively wasteful government.

end corporate welfare, cut unneeded programs and spending (90% of the federal government just gets in the way of state government anyway), end the empire project. win/win, got it?



New Member
where will that money come from? lol, how about, where does it belong?! certainly not in the hands of a massively wasteful government.

end corporate welfare, cut unneeded programs and spending (90% of the federal government just gets in the way of state government anyway), end the empire project. win/win, got it?

Hey I'm for cutting lots of programs:
1. FBI
2. NSA
3. CIA.
4. DEA.
5. War on drugs'
6. War on poverty. IE. a war on poor people.
7. IRS. Flat tax with a flexible bottom but no top. Say 40K, no tax. 30% over 40K, whatever it is, No IRS bullies and criminals.
8. Leave no child behind.
9. Lobbiest access to congress.
11. There are way too many to list, but there are plenty more