Ron Paul, The only one We can trust.


Well-Known Member
ummm pardon me, but wouldn't the Drug enforcement culture cease to exist once the Federal Monies stopped coming in? I don't know for sure, but I assume that most DEA Agents wouldn't go to work if they no longer got paid or had vehicles or an office to go to. A huge number of prohibition supporters only support banning it because they make a bunch of money somehow with the laws the way they are. Government makes a law and overnight a new industry to support that law is born while on the side of town a business that didn't support that law closes it's doors. Get rid of the law, the funding will dry up and all those people will go home and forget all about this nonsense.


New Member
Whats Ron Paul's voting record or stance on medical marijuana, will he support ending the schedule 1 label that our meds fall under? I did a quick search but didn't find anything. I would vote for him regardless, there is no other choice. The rest of the candidates scare the weed out of me.
he has always voted in favor of hemp and marijuana legalization, his own hemp and marijuana bills have been straight to the point 1 page or less laws that simply strike out marijuana/hemp from the books.


New Member
Vince Vaughn: I Called Ron Paul to Talk about the Fed

Ron Pauls campaign for liberty is now over half a million members strong" -Vince Vaughn

Ron Paul's Full Speech at LPAC: "Don't Steal - the Government Hates Competition!"


New Member
Ron Paul got these veterans the medals they deserved, when nobody else would recognize them for their heroic efforts, these vietnam vets found support in Ron Paul, the only veteran running for president.


Charlie Ventura

Active Member
As one who voted for Ron Paul when he ran for the presidency on the Libertarian ticket, and as one who owns his books, I will say that Ron Paul hasn't a chance in hell of winning the Republican nomination. I mean, check things out. Romney and Perry are being portrayed as "the front runners" by both the left and right wing media outlets. Why? The election is a year and a half away. At this point there are NO front runners, everyone at this point has an equal chance providing their money doesn't run out. Both sides of the media are run by establishment types ... the Bill Crystals and the Paul Krugmans. They want THEIR candidates to run and win, no matter how important Ron Paul and Gary Johnson's ideas are for the advancement of liberty in this country.

I'm not saying to give up. I DO believe that Ron Paul's ideas are gaining hold in the country, especially among younger folks. That's a good thing for the future. Just think, perhaps somewhere, not too far off in the distant future, the economic professors in our major universities will be quoting Ron Paul instead of Keynes and Marx. :)