Why is hanity so disrespectful to Congressman Dr Ron Paul?
Cause Hanity is a douche. Seriously, Mr "doesn't endorese anyone" has been showing who he favors for some time now, only he thinks he has people fooled.
Paul is the only one who would get the fucking Drug War to come to an end, the single biggest issue our country is currently facing. It costs so damn much to keep the drug war machine running that our own children are getting a shitty ass education along with every other negative effect the drug war has brought us. Not one other canidtate promise to do shit about this. Obama wants decriminalization....why? So the cops get to keep their budgets to chase the growers and manufactuers, and the only benefit is to those who use that they won't get in much trouble? No, fuck that, I want to gut their budgets so they'll stop kicking our doors in and get rid of all these over paid judges we don't need for any other reason than shoveling people caught with drugs in and out of their courtrooms.
Fucking almost half the kids in this country failed to pass the requirements of the "No Child Left Behind", and thats not counting all the ones who cheated their way through or were just pushed through by their teachers because they wanted good scores for their district and good scores mean more money, and you can't get more money if your students aren't passing. It's not the teachers fault (entirely anyway), the whole damn system is corrupt and our youth is getting a piss poor education because of it all.
Oh but some of you want Newt/Romney/Obama....no thanks, I don't want more of what we already have because all three of them offer nothing but another 4 years of the same old shit. I want to fucking shake this country up in good way. Go Turtle Fucker.