Ron Paul wins, Mike Huckabee loses in CPAC straw poll

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member

By Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist
Poor Mike Huckabee. He's complaining about how poorly he fared in a 2012 presidential straw poll at the weekend's Conservative Political Action Conference.
So who won?
Ron Paul got the surprising -- and meaningless -- thumbs-up victory. While Paul, a Texas Republican congressman, isn't exactly a household name, CPAC sure loved him.
That irritated Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor. He said: "CPAC has become increasingly libertarian and less Republican over the last years, one of the reasons I didn't go this year."
In a statement to CNN, said of Huckabee, "We were frankly a perplexed by Governor Huckabee's comments about CPAC given our long and cordial relationship with him and his family."
Keene is chairman of the American Conservative Union, which organizes the CPAC gathering.
But one thing should comfort Huckabee: Paul is not going to be president. He is mostly known for his ultra-conservative views, such as wanting to get rid of the Fed.
In the poll:
-- Paul got 31 percent of the 2,400 votes.
-- Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney got 22 percent.
-- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin got 7 percent.
-- Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty got 6 percent.
Also-rans included better-known potential candidates such as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Huckabee.
Each got 4 percent.

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Well-Known Member
"Libertarianism is the heart of Conservatism."
See Reagan knew that, these other so called conservatives don't.
Michael Steale and the rest of the republicans better recognize.
Libertarians will deside 2012 one way or the other.

Now 31% win in the straw Poll HAHAHA pwned!
All the pundits saying "these straw polls don't mean anything" or "Ignore Ron Paul."
Well straw polls don't mean much, but for Ron to carry 31% of C-PAC, I think sends a message.

Poor Little Huckster bemoaning his loss to Ron.
Hmm, you would think he would be use to it by now.
Even Chuck Norris couldn't help Huckster beat Ron Paul.
Just think what Romney must be thinking:
"YAY, I'm only 10% behind Ron Paul, I may have a Chance!!"

If Ron can go balls out leading into Iowa and win the Iowa straw poll.
He may have a chance its all about beating the Republican contenders.
Ron can and will destroy Obama in a debate.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I like Ron Paul. I disagree with him on abortion, though.I do think he'd be a good president.
"Libertarianism is the heart of Conservatism."
See Reagan knew that, these other so called conservatives don't.
Michael Steale and the rest of the republicans better recognize.
Libertarians will deside 2012 one way or the other.

Now 31% win in the straw Poll HAHAHA pwned!
All the pundits saying "these straw polls don't mean anything" or "Ignore Ron Paul."
Well straw polls don't mean much, but for Ron to carry 31% of C-PAC, I think sends a message.

Poor Little Huckster bemoaning his loss to Ron.
Hmm, you would think he would be use to it by now.
Even Chuck Norris couldn't help Huckster beat Ron Paul.
Just think what Romney must be thinking:
"YAY, I'm only 10% behind Ron Paul, I may have a Chance!!"

If Ron can go balls out leading into Iowa and win the Iowa straw poll.
He may have a chance its all about beating the Republican contenders.
Ron can and will destroy Obama in a debate.