Ron Paul Wins Nevada!


Well-Known Member
I do agree that is a problem. I just don't agree that the solution is getting rid of the regulations that protect us from them. I'm fine with getting rid of the regulations that allow large corporations to have a stranglehold on the market. But I'd also like an increase in the regulations that protect us from them. The problem with deregulation is that nearly without exception it ends up in the favor of the big corporations because they are the ones that can afford to lobby congress to make sure it works out that way.
Lobbying only matters when there are regulations to impose.

The problem with your philosophy is that the Democrat party goes fucking ape shit if you try to repeal ANY regulation. You know this is true.


Well-Known Member
I do agree that is a problem. I just don't agree that the solution is getting rid of the regulations that protect us from them. I'm fine with getting rid of the regulations that allow large corporations to have a stranglehold on the market. But I'd also like an increase in the regulations that protect us from them. The problem with deregulation is that nearly without exception it ends up in the favor of the big corporations because they are the ones that can afford to lobby congress to make sure it works out that way.
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."-B.Frank

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
LOL, Hillarious scare tactics man, States will regulate drugs not the feds, states arent going to allow 7/11s to sell crack to 3rd graders anymore than they are going to let them buy a case of beer , please wise up.
The scary thing is Catchin22 believes his or her nonsense! Like Newt thinks he is Gods tool for WW3 and Bachman thought her god talked to her. These are the people we have to share the roads with.... Frikin Scary.