Roofers, Roofing Contractors in here! All construction trades welcomed!!

There is more than just pot on this web site if you look thru the other sections. Just because weed isn't as bad as most other drugs doesn't mean the people smoking it day in and day out aren't addicts.
So weed is addictive?
I have seen many people risk going to jail while on probation becaise they coild quit for a few month so if your willong ro rosk your freedom to smoke weed than their has to be some form of addictive quality to it.
not sure how US tilers plied their trade but this is how Australians loaded their roofs back in the day before mechanical hoists, that guy with 6 cement tiles weighing approx 10lb each would have been too pussy to work with our crew, where 8 were the general amount, some strong guys would carry up to 16, on top of that some would actually run at a trot across the roof all day with loads like that on their shoulder, reason being the sooner the job completed the sooner another job could be started, hence a bigger pay packet at the end of the week, many of these guys ended up with spinal probs pretty early in life, roof tiling is considered the hardest physical job in the building trade in Australia.
yet a few older folk have spoken of loading thousands of 180lb sacks of wheat carried on their shoulder into open goods wagons before conveyors were introduced, reckon that would be one hell job!
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If anyone that tells me that weed isn't addictive, their full of shit.
Put down that pipe, that cup of coffee or tea, that glass of wine or beer, that cigarette or that slice of bacon, and tell me what you reach for 1st after a week, that you really, really want
What would you crave?
If you craved anything, your an addict.
I love bacon, but I'd probably kill for a joint. :)
If anyone that tells me that weed isn't addictive, their full of shit.
Put down that pipe, that cup of coffee or tea, that glass of wine or beer, that cigarette or that slice of bacon, and tell me what you reach for 1st after a week, that you really, really want
What would you crave?
If you craved anything, your an addict.
I love bacon, but I'd probably kill for a joint. :)

You left out Chocolate and sugars.
If anyone that tells me that weed isn't addictive, their full of shit.
Put down that pipe, that cup of coffee or tea, that glass of wine or beer, that cigarette or that slice of bacon, and tell me what you reach for 1st after a week, that you really, really want
What would you crave?
If you craved anything, your an addict.
I love bacon, but I'd probably kill for a joint. :)
I am a terminal oxygen addict. I literally cannot go a minute without the stuff.
Life is addictive I’m addicted and to farting it’s all about hitting the right notes.
People are addicted to thinking there better then the person next to them that’s the shittest addiction we have as humans I suffer from this addiction I try to hold it back but It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys
Life is addictive I’m addicted and to farting it’s all about hitting the right notes.

Are you one that believes "Sharing is caring" ?
