Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

I am super happy with the caulis as well mate. They have quadrupled in size in the last couple of days...Looking almost ready to munch.
Cheers Mo, howsa the job? I read on your thread you were sick mate.....going back to an office is like sticking your kids in day care!!! Instant snot attack.

Nope she's just being a c*nt at this point. Time of the year or some shit

You guys just can't bare to say the word CUNT, lol (it's very sweet and endearing, haha).......I giggled the other night when my wife said it (she was talking about a work colleague in another department lol), she just doesn't sound right when she says it. I think UKers say cunt the best. Although Ozzies are fairly good at profanities as well.
A wee update. Most pics are from a few days ago....been a bit shitty and rainy here of late.
Red cabbage forming up now.
Hotdog...still not started the light dep yet ffs.
Engineers Dream keeper. Conker esque leaves like the Casey Jones and super solid and frosty.
A tasty biscuit my son made lol....I ak still alive:)
Caulis. Had one already. Was really nice.
excellent non sequitur there with the biscuit! everything's looking delicious chief. are those the beginnings of banana's out the very tip of the top calyx on the ED or just fresh green from an angle?

looks like shite weather for a few then back to warm and shite! Woop Woop for summer.
It's actually a stigma that has turned in on itself (just double checked). A few of the ED's had the typical Casey trait of throwing nanners at the end, and this one I must have checked a million times and they are all just these mad inverted stigmas.