Thanks for stopping by guys.
My compost does contain some worms, Mo. I find worms at the bottom of my pots from outdoors all the time which I put down to the compost I first made having a shed load of worms in it (picture of me crouching down in the park outside tapping the bloody ground in the rain, lol). Always surprise me to see birds trying to peck into the sides of pots.
I have been turning the compost like crazy, this run I have also been composting a bit of waste paper as well as the usual garden/kitchen/ganja waste, and loads of cut flowers from the florist that we have bought. One thing I have noticed is some of the twigs from the cut flowers have not really cmposted down, and then you get the odd stump from strange bunches made up with this that and the next thing. Hopefully this is not going to mess the ph around too much.
I got some pictures of the greenhouse down at the Rijks museum. I never saw the notice but my mother inlaw said they were growing stuff that was going to be sold in the restaurant in the museum.....I saw one plant that was teeming with aphides, good luck I thought. Will post them when I get round to uploading them from my phone that I managed to drop today and smash the screen. Not nice having shards of glass coming away on your fingers, haha.
Wow, that was a ramble, must be the bubble dabs, Goodnight folks, DST