Rooftop SE Asia

There is a place for everything. I went to University, I didn't try hard at school and could of done better, I hated Uni as I was too busy partying, and too immature so I left. I finished Uni when I was working and went back as a maturer student and loved every minute of it. Higher Education should teach you to questions things, not to just accept everything you are told. Once you study at a higher level you realise it's just like RIU in a way. Everyone has their story to explain things, people even have data to back it up, but then along comes someone else who refutes the data and then healthy debate starts (lmfao...or trolling). In most cases nothing gets solved, but it does teach you not to just accept the first thing that is pushed under your nose.....
My favourite line from Uni = ceteris paribus:)
Your respect level just went up a notch in my ranking
There is a place for everything. I went to University, I didn't try hard at school and could of done better, I hated Uni as I was too busy partying, and too immature so I left. I finished Uni when I was working and went back as a maturer student and loved every minute of it. Higher Education should teach you to questions things, not to just accept everything you are told. Once you study at a higher level you realise it's just like RIU in a way. Everyone has their story to explain things, people even have data to back it up, but then along comes someone else who refutes the data and then healthy debate starts (lmfao...or trolling). In most cases nothing gets solved, but it does teach you not to just accept the first thing that is pushed under your nose.....
My favourite line from Uni = ceteris paribus:)

He can't be helped.
I read a great book review today from The Scotsman newspaper. It was about how Dutch teenagers are some of the happiest teenagers in the World. It's down to how they are not pressurised by all accounts. No homework and no exams or tests until 10 or 11 years old. Life is about having fun, playing, and learning how to make relationships. Most Dutch kids lose their virginity in their parents home (that one confused me a bit as it takes 2 to tango so the % are surely under the 50 mark????). Anyway. NL has one of the lowest teenage pregnancy rates in the World.
I think people are pressurised at an early age to become sheep and follow the path that their parents or surrounding society feel they should. It's one thing kids who get in trouble should be applauded for.....just being fucking different ffs.
Anyhoo. Back to ma sssshpliff:bigjoint:

Oh. Forgot to ask. Did you get that email reply dude?
That's quite interesting stuff D, I've never met a closed off or even aggro Dutch person. I met two over here in the battle cruiser between crimbo and New Year, totally engaged a group of geordies, were good crack, we talked about all sorts of stuff. cultural differences was hilarious.

The husband of the pair was trying to wrap his head around the buying a round culture and ethics of it. He was very straight up it was priceless. After introducing ourselves round the table he asked my pal and his partner how long they'd been together and without skipping a beat said, 'And why are you not married?'

We laughed like drains. He didn't know why.
That's quite interesting stuff D, I've never met a closed off or even aggro Dutch person. I met two over here in the battle cruiser between crimbo and New Year, totally engaged a group of geordies, were good crack, we talked about all sorts of stuff. cultural differences was hilarious.

The husband of the pair was trying to wrap his head around the buying a round culture and ethics of it. He was very straight up it was priceless. After introducing ourselves round the table he asked my pal and his partner how long they'd been together and without skipping a beat said, 'And why are you not married?'

We laughed like drains. He didn't know why.
Haha....Dutch buying a round ffs. It's one thing that gets me about the culture. And it spreads to expats who stay here. You go out for a drink or meal with a group and at the end everyone's getting their bank cards out to pay their share. And I mean only what they ordered. Doesn't seem to phase most places producing 10 bank cards. I always have cash, never use my bank card. Really surprises me based.on the fact that customer service is gash. I couldn't imagine asking a UK waiter to splitt the bill like they do here. Itsh nutsh yesh!
Speaking of the service and school, I went to a Jr college out of high school. I was a science and math whiz kid. Did pretty good until I fell in love. Grades went south, then when the romance did too, I joined the US Navy to get out of town. I was a nuclear propulsion candidate, and only getting caught with a joint up in Great Mistakes kept me from a push button crow and a 6 year obligation. I served a little over 3 years when I got kicked out for failing {or would you call it passing?} a whiz quiz. Over all I enjoyed it, but there was no way I could have been a lifer. I would like to go back to lots of the places I saw on my own sailboat.
Speaking of the service and school, I went to a Jr college out of high school. I was a science and math whiz kid. Did pretty good until I fell in love. Grades went south, then when the romance did too, I joined the US Navy to get out of town. I was a nuclear propulsion candidate, and only getting caught with a joint up in Great Mistakes kept me from a push button crow and a 6 year obligation. I served a little over 3 years when I got kicked out for failing {or would you call it passing?} a whiz quiz. Over all I enjoyed it, but there was no way I could have been a lifer. I would like to go back to lots of the places I saw on my own sailboat.
Sounds like a wild ride!
We did a Med Cruise, some time in the IO, and lots and lots of little trips down to the Caribbean. I was on the USS Saipan LHA-2, so for the long cruises there was always 2K Marines aboard as well as the 800 sailors.
Do newbies get seasick on the big boats like on small boats?
I have always been prone to especially now vertigo and seasickness.
Haha....Dutch buying a round ffs. It's one thing that gets me about the culture. And it spreads to expats who stay here. You go out for a drink or meal with a group and at the end everyone's getting their bank cards out to pay their share. And I mean only what they ordered. Doesn't seem to phase most places producing 10 bank cards. I always have cash, never use my bank card. Really surprises me based.on the fact that customer service is gash. I couldn't imagine asking a UK waiter to splitt the bill like they do here. Itsh nutsh yesh!
That just made me laugh. A friend here is Dutch and that round buying just doesnt happen
Do newbies get seasick on the big boats like on small boats?
I have always been prone to especially now vertigo and seasickness.
Depends on how prone you are to motion sickness. But yeah obviously larger the ship less you feel those bumps
Vn is right. It depends on the person. A friend of mine would always go down to Shaft Alley when it got rough. Less moving around down there. I worked in the Light Shop, which was right over the Anchor Windlass Room {at the pointy end}. The Saipan was built like a bath tub, so that far forward we would go up, then over, then back down. We would ride the office chairs back and forth across the shop.

But most didn't get seasick. Some of the Med ports were too shallow for us to get dockside, so we would take a Mike boat in. They would toss quite a bit.

This was my home for a couple of years. She is razor blades today.

Oh yeah you see the difference immediately. Early in my offshore life I boarded a crewboat (100') in Cameron, LA in rough winter weather (10-12' seas) and got my ass beat for 8 hours, that on a 450' vessel would feel like a roll but wouldnt be jacking you through the floor. Lol Ive been in alot worse seas than that around the globe but thats the one I always think about as when the vessel was in between the swells the engine was revved like fuck because the jets were out of the damn water then it would slam me again.