Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
i wish they sold real absinthe. i had the real thing once, and the shit they sell now is a pale, pale imitation.
i've had actual hallucinations twice in my life, once from peyote buttons, and once from absinthe.
the peyote was a lot more intense, but the absinthe didn't make me vomit several times
LOL want some hallucinations get yourself some good ole Lucy, fuck that absynthe shite :), top the Lucy off with some mushy tea and you'll be all set for the trip.
Yeah I know there are projects coming up in the States, I am literally talking with people all over the world....And until something connects I'm in a corner because money is required to make every move, and the till is and has been dry. Anyway, didnt mean to be "short" about it, but sort of at the end of my rope so to speak...


Well-Known Member
When I used to drink quite a bit, Single malt Scotch was mine. But some good trappist beer will get me going too, or some good Danish Porter. I said it here before, but cant find the name now.
I like red wines also as well as those listed, but havent tried the porter


Well-Known Member
Stayed at this little small boutique sort of hotel out in the country outside of copenhagen for 5 weeks (a few times), and stocked up on herb-hash the day I arrived at christiania. The beer was sold at the front desk :). I was working for a Danish company at the time and they put us in that hotel.

I havent had any wine in some months. Yep gotta stay positive brother, its a fucking must!

This is the one I love, but I doubt its exported, maybe...


Well-Known Member
Stayed at this little small boutique sort of hotel out in the country outside of copenhagen for 5 weeks (a few times), and stocked up on herb-hash the day I arrived at christiania. The beer was sold at the front desk :). I was working for a Danish company at the time and they put us in that hotel.

I havent had any wine in some months. Yep gotta stay positive brother, its a fucking must!

This is the one I love, but I doubt its exported, maybe...
That sounds like a nice one I always liked darker beers, but Ilike (some) IPAs also


Well-Known Member
That particular porter had a chocolate tinge, its a heavy beer, 3 pints and a hash/herb cone I would be fucking smashed lol
LOL I thought the same thing hahahahaha. Your ears were ringing!
I had an absolutely knock em dead raspberry brown ale tonight that just hit every note I love about beer; tangy, nutty, rich, smooth, caramel, fruity, even just a touch sweet. Simply amazing.

Such are the delights in the 'Silicon Valley' of beer brewing, lol