Rooftop SE Asia

Yeah we typically dont get monsoon rains where I am. Rains usually 1 time a day for 15-20 min during monsoon so its manageable. Roof is semi covered and during this part of year nature does the watering. They dont get out in full weather until a month old or so as they are covered till then. Pretty much on the 24-7-365 but there are shorter and longer season it seems. This calendar year from Sept to Aug next year I can test this out better.
I assume when it rains, IT RAINS! lol. I just remeber the monsoon drains in Singapore filling up in no time. How do you cope with all that? And can you grow 24/7/365?
This morning 5AM was finishing up bike ride with about 5km left when bottom dropped out. Flooded in 15 minutes. I rode home like a wet dog in ~15 cm of water...that was a large dump for sure...but its all the remenants of the storm last week over philippines
I love cycling in the rain. I always quote a BIke Shop owner who my inlaws went to in SA, he said "wet is nothing" That was when we were preparing to cycle across Austria. As soon as it rains in the Dam everyone scoots under awnings or into a door way. That's why its cool to cycle when it rains. No one else is in your way, haha.

Is there like a short and long season, I always mind of Dr GReenhorn down in Hawaii mentioning long and short seasons.Have a good un lad.
I love cycling in the rain. I always quote a BIke Shop owner who my inlaws went to in SA, he said "wet is nothing" That was when we were preparing to cycle across Austria. As soon as it rains in the Dam everyone scoots under awnings or into a door way. That's why its cool to cycle when it rains. No one else is in your way, haha.

Is there like a short and long season, I always mind of Dr GReenhorn down in Hawaii mentioning long and short seasons.Have a good un lad.

As long as its not cold oot cycling in the rain is great & I have to agree about no one being in yer fkn way :).

Yes there would be a short and a long or a long and a longer more like for here, sativas. This year I started some September and then a month later few days ago to see how thet fare, but sure they will be similar. Helps alot to have roof partially sheltered/covered
I love cycling in the rain. I always quote a BIke Shop owner who my inlaws went to in SA, he said "wet is nothing" That was when we were preparing to cycle across Austria. As soon as it rains in the Dam everyone scoots under awnings or into a door way. That's why its cool to cycle when it rains. No one else is in your way, haha.

Is there like a short and long season, I always mind of Dr GReenhorn down in Hawaii mentioning long and short seasons.Have a good un lad.
As of the last year or so myself and a good scottish mate here been testing edibles for morning power on rides, WOW does it work. He runs with the fast 50's crew in the morning and he runs in the high 40's km and I have a mountain bike which sees roads and trails and it keeps me at my best; fucking excellent this cannabis, full system controller
no rain here today, thank fuck. everything is getting a decent drying. I see a chernobyl popping up, but quiet other than that.
Right on Vnsmkr, glad to hear it's chilling out. Just out of curiosity, is there any money to be made growing good weed over there? I know from reading travel journals and from some friends that have traveled to SEA that a lot of the local stuff is dirt cheap, but not always great quality either. So I was just curious if the price would be much higher for weed that was consistently high quality product. I'm off to bed, have a blessed day brah :)
Right on Vnsmkr, glad to hear it's chilling out. Just out of curiosity, is there any money to be made growing good weed over there? I know from reading travel journals and from some friends that have traveled to SEA that a lot of the local stuff is dirt cheap, but not always great quality either. So I was just curious if the price would be much higher for weed that was consistently high quality product. I'm off to bed, have a blessed day brah :)
Western expats will pay whatever they have to for quality, but that angle doesnt interest me. What does interest me is the possibility of legalization in a few years and I am in a perfect climate for growing.
Right on Vnsmkr, glad to hear it's chilling out. Just out of curiosity, is there any money to be made growing good weed over there? I know from reading travel journals and from some friends that have traveled to SEA that a lot of the local stuff is dirt cheap, but not always great quality either. So I was just curious if the price would be much higher for weed that was consistently high quality product. I'm off to bed, have a blessed day brah :)
I am off to bed soon too, what time is it there? Have a happy high weekend.
And I gues thats another point why I have so many plants going now, because I like to share it, give it away to close friends, and now I can do so more freely without thinking about running out, or thats the plan anyhow... I know its a livelihood for some, but for me, at this level anyway, not interested in making money off this gorgeous herb. Once it does get legalized I will be thinking of some big gardens then perhaps money enters the equation, but thats another thing all together.
Western expats will pay whatever they have to for quality, but that angle doesnt interest me. What does interest me is the possibility of legalization in a few years and I am in a perfect climate for growing.
Alright, you beat me before I got off of here to go to bed. Anyway, that's some good day dreaming info that does interest me. You think they might legalize cannabis where you're at in the next few years? That'd be pretty rad.

I am off to bed soon too, what time is it there? Have a happy high weekend.
It is 2:59AM at the moment. I stay up way too late way too often. I'm sure it'll be a great weekend. It's one of my kids' birthdays tomorrow so we got the birthday party thing going on and only some gardening planned on Sunday. Have a happy high weekend too :)
Alright, you beat me before I got off of here to go to bed. Anyway, that's some good day dreaming info that does interest me. You think they might legalize cannabis where you're at in the next few years? That'd be pretty rad.

It is 2:59AM at the moment. I stay up way too late way too often. I'm sure it'll be a great weekend. It's one of my kids' birthdays tomorrow so we got the birthday party thing going on and only some gardening planned on Sunday. Have a happy high weekend too :)

Ah good, my oldest (6) was nlast weekends so fun filled it was. Gardening is non stop here for at least a few hoursz a day, my wife expects it.

I think once US legalizes most of the world will domino, hell some starting to follow suit even before. But yes, I think within 5.