Papaya treesWhat's the little plant or tree who's foliage looks like 3 or 4 pin oak leaves stuck together?
Now u got me i interested in that plantWhen we lived in Brunei my Mum was telling me she would just stick a branch in the ground and within a few weeks it would be growing like a cloning gel needed there lol. Tropical fruits are mmmmmnnn tasty (except for durian) Papaya is lekker for sure though.
They would make some good shade trees too with some space and they are fast growingNow u got me i interested in that plant
I stayed a bunch in kuala belat. Nice little quiet placeI wouldn't have thought so Papa. Never seen any frost in that region
It's interesting to see how the world climates have been shifting (climate change or whatever label you want to put onto it). The wine producing belt has shifted over the last century and now parts of the South of the UK pretty much have the terroir to grow top quality wine. I believe for the last few years there has been an English Sparkling Wine that has basically beaten the French Champagne.
Ruby, when we lived in Brunei in the 70's it was still all jungle then with a bit chopped out for an Army camp. We literally lived in the jungle for the first 6 months without running water or electricity, I am not sure how my Mum coped being in her early 20's from Scotland with 2 bairns. But the soil down there must have had crazy beneficial herds like no other, We eventually got moved into a lovely house but of course crttiers don't have boundaries. We would have armie of ants crawling across the floor, up a table leg, across the table, then back up the wall on the other side, not a thing you could do lol. And don't get me started on the Man of the Jungle...Orangutan! My sister use to crap herself from them. Bander seri bagawan is now really built up I heard.
I wouldn't have thought so Papa. Never seen any frost in that region
It's interesting to see how the world climates have been shifting (climate change or whatever label you want to put onto it). The wine producing belt has shifted over the last century and now parts of the South of the UK pretty much have the terroir to grow top quality wine. I believe for the last few years there has been an English Sparkling Wine that has basically beaten the French Champagne.
Ruby, when we lived in Brunei in the 70's it was still all jungle then with a bit chopped out for an Army camp. We literally lived in the jungle for the first 6 months without running water or electricity, I am not sure how my Mum coped being in her early 20's from Scotland with 2 bairns. But the soil down there must have had crazy beneficial herds like no other, We eventually got moved into a lovely house but of course crttiers don't have boundaries. We would have armie of ants crawling across the floor, up a table leg, across the table, then back up the wall on the other side, not a thing you could do lol. And don't get me started on the Man of the Jungle...Orangutan! My sister use to crap herself from them. Bander seri bagawan is now really built up I heard.
No need to be sorry I agree but it will still pay my bills until I can do other things...Its a huge machine unfortunately and it has alot of everything sewn up....fukn sadHumans are funny eh. No matter what happens the Earth will eaither get rid of us or we will need to adapt. I am sure there would be some benefits in stopping the extraction of oil (sorry vnsmkr) and replacing it with fields of renewable weed/hemp. Bamboo is a cray cray plant, once that's growing it ain't stopping, lol.
I always say this is the cycle of earth...things live things die....we are just madly accelerating that rate...but in the end its us who dies...the earth will be hereHumans are funny eh. No matter what happens the Earth will eaither get rid of us or we will need to adapt. I am sure there would be some benefits in stopping the extraction of oil (sorry vnsmkr) and replacing it with fields of renewable weed/hemp. Bamboo is a cray cray plant, once that's growing it ain't stopping, lol.
View attachment 3615501 Duuude chill here ...naked dim dim