Rooftop SE Asia

I understand alot of VN, my speech is just limited. You dont need to speak ANY to get by and that's from experience in Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Russia to name a few
Absolutely. Like the English...speak slower and louder and they'll eventually understand you lol.
From my experience outside of English speaking countries. You ALWAYS get on better when knowing the local language. I saw it when my old man lived in the Far East. He spoke Malaysian very well and was always very respected in his business dealings.
Not to mention the time our car got smashed into by a taxi on the way up to KL. There was about 30 people suddenly appear out of the jungle all pointing fingers at my old man. I just heard him launch into something in Malaysian and they all just fucked off lol. pressure lad :)
Of course you are right DST, but it aint a necessity. And I'm into necessities these days.....Besides respect is given for giving an attempt at it. Day to day who gives a fuck really as the way I look at it, the only people that make a fuck are my family ;)
Of course you are right DST, but it aint a necessity. And I'm into necessities these days.....Besides respect is given for giving an attempt at it. Day to day who gives a fuck really as the way I look at it, the only people that make a fuck are my family ;)
When you got kids you got to live a life of necessities only lol. If you didnt I am not sure how you'd get everything done lol.
I understand alot of VN, my speech is just limited. You dont need to speak ANY to get by and that's from experience in Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Russia to name a few

what a list!
Keep talking! I'm a big fan of warm beaches and Thai food!
Get 'Thai for Beginners' by Benjawan Poomsan Becker, and Pimsleur Thai audio lessons, and you'll be amazed how quickly you pick it up with an hour or two of active practice a day. The great part about learning this language, is that it only takes basic understanding to communicate - Thai language is grammatically simple, and uses a much smaller vocabulary than English, especially in basic conversation (although, there are regional dialects that you will eventually learn too).