Rookie Canna and Coco Grow. Lsd & Blue Mystic Led Style!


Active Member
What up V? Hey good looking out bro! Thanks I checked out the link! Much appreciated. Hey what are your thoughts on removing those necrotic Leaves? Pretty sure all I've read says to leave em. They are an eye sore. Lol


Well-Known Member
Yo Chronic! My girls got necrotic spots like that too, would look identical to the leaves you posted. I attributed it to cal/mg deficiency just like you thought too so I bumped up my magical dosage a tiny bit and no new spots have been showing up. But you want to be careful you don't over correct or youll lock out other nutes. I plucked the lower leaves that looked the worse, more than 50% of leaf dead. Makes sense too what viagro was saying about keeping coco moist before feeding. Anyway, if you think those spots are being caused by something else, let me know because I'm still looking for a solid answer too. Keep it up, good luck!


Active Member
What up Puff? Thanks for the info bro! Much appreciated. I'm out of MagiCal so been just been using the Epsom salt. Gonna have to go to the local grow shop and get some cal mag or something. Thanks for the feedback.


Well-Known Member
Hi mate love the new LSD pic can see them colas gettin fatter now!,.............havent got a clue whats up with the leafs mate sorry wish i could help, really hope it doesnt course you to much grief
Good luck sortin it bro!


Well-Known Member
What up V? Hey good looking out bro! Thanks I checked out the link! Much appreciated. Hey what are your thoughts on removing those necrotic Leaves? Pretty sure all I've read says to leave em. They are an eye sore. Lol
I'd trim the crispy parts with scissors. The ends, anyway. BTW Do you dissolve Epsom salts in hot water before diluting? I figure you do, but if not, it might be the problem.

I was wondering about what Pukka (edit: or I guess it was Puffenuff) was saying about lockup causing deficiencies from overcorrecting? I know nothing about growing in coco coir, so I'm not really fit to talk about it, I'm trying to learn something here.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
HEY CRROOOONNNIC D, dude whats going down?
so this is prob your last free day before getting back into the fuckin grind right?
welcome back to hell.. i hate it!!!!! im not scheduled for a vacation until fuckin SEPT!!!!!!!
anyway your plants look sooo delicious.. i bet your getting pretty excited.
You were asking me about the Hemp fest a while ago.
I went last year and it was a real dissapointment.
It was crowded as hell, but the crowd was really cool and mellow, that was probebly the best part of the event.
There was like nothing at all interessting , for me personally. All the booths had pretty lame stuff and it was the same shit everywhere.
The band i saw was pretty lame. So i dont think i will be attending again this year unless they add some cooler things.
I wish Cypress Hill would make it up here one of these fuckin dayz!!!!!
Now if they played the hemp fest, i would deeeeffffinnnettly Go fur sure!!!!!!
Take care,


Active Member
HigH people! Unforunatley I don't have the time right now to respond to previous posts! Real busy today but I'll get back to ya soon! I just wanted to post here what I just posted on the marijuana plant problems thread. Maybe someone who stops by can help! Thanks in advance!
HigH people and thanks for taking the time! I am on day 30 of flower of my LSD and Blue Mystic. My question pertains to the LSD. I brought them out of the cab to do the daily inspection and feed last night and noticed some really yellow young leaves down below. Seems the carpet doesn't match the drapes. Lol. Ok my girls are in coco. Last night I mixed up 6L of ro water. 1 1/2tsp of Epsom salt. Ec was 1.02 after that. I then mixed in 15ml of coco a&b 3ml of rhizotonic and 15ml of cannazyme. Did not add any bloombastic this time. Been adding everyother feeding. I did screw it up and added the bloombastic the previous 2 feedings. The last feeding was 8L of ro water and 1tbs of Epsom salt. Ec was 1.04. I then mixed 20ml each of coco a&b and 7ml of Bloombastic. Ph'd to 5.8 with an ec of 2.45. I use the canna calculator which factors in cannazyme and cannaboost for an ec of 2.3. I didn't use the cannazyme this mix and I use the bloombastic instead of boost.

Been doing research on what could be the prob, and like a rookie my ass needs some clarification and reassurance! I have found posts that say this "During flowering early deficiency can lead to a significant decrease in yield. Plants that are in the last 3 weeks of flowering do not require nitrogen if they have remained reasonably healthy up to that point. A yellowing and shedding of leaves during the final weeks of flowering is quite natural among otherwise healthy plants and should not be held up by heroic dosages of nitrogen (which would result in many undesirable complications such as: mold, sudden stop in bud development, dying of pistils, over-fertilization, rejuvenation/leaf growth in buds)."
Is this what I'm seeing or did I burn them with too much nutes specifically the bloombastic? Overall IMHO I think she looks killa! But have had some probs down below. First with necrotic spots on big fan leaves and now yellowing of new growth. Do they need a flush? Any help will be greatly appreciated!:wall: Here are some pics of the LSD.



Well-Known Member
Looks good to me. I might lower the ph a bit with some lemon juice, to minimize indications of lockup from leaning on the P&K. I'd beware of overcorrecting, or tinkering too much with plants as nice as that. Give them a break, they'd probably be happy with just water for a while, or maybe a bit of seaweed and molasses. Let them get a balance from being boosted. Blue Mystic can handle a bit of overfeeding, but a week off might make it it much happier. Less is more, sometimes.


Active Member
Hey thanks V! Appreciate the feedback bro! Yeah man I'm a worrier and definitely overthink things! Just want to grow the best I can! Gonna try and check her out tonight when lights come on! Might not be able to until late tonight since gonna have people over to watch ufc ppv tonight. Busy today cleaning the house cooking and cleaning the car. Finishing up some cereal and bong hits becore I get to the workload. Went and bought some more medicine yesterday. Picked up some NYC diesel(great taste,smell,high) fuckIng luv that strain. Also got some chocolope, LSD, and MK Ultra. Had to give my wife the LSD and MK Ultra to hold and hide till Tuesday. Start work this week and need to start conserving.


Active Member
Day 32 Of Flower pics. This dam server sucks. Had my post all typed up and bam my shit is gone! Shitty! I usually post via my iphone which never does that shit. Dont have the time to go back and type it all again just posting pics for now! Thanks for stopping by! I'll post more later!

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Blue Mystic:


Active Member
very impressive grow..Im doing autos right now there killing it hope they end up as good as urs...Im thinking of trying the LSD next time around...KEEP IT UP HALF WAY THERE


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, nice work with the pics all lookin wicked mate!! can see that BM height much better, she's a lanky 1 for sure lol!!.........Hows the dodgy leafs, you figured it out yet?, good luck mate, everythings bang on so keep it up!!


Well-Known Member
hey Chronic D looking good bro. you are doing a great job on your LSD's, very impressive grow. mine are are about a week behind you and there looking pretty similar. unfortunately i can only grow in a 4X4X7 tent which limits my space and the height is cut down even further because off my hood. my LSD's are about 58" tall so i had to top it last week which made me very sad. i tried to dose it with bushmaster but i got to it to late. but they are still looking pretty good so i cant complain to much. anyway bro i would be very careful with that bloombastic man theres no reason to go over 4ML with that stuff. thats extremely concentrated liquid man, that can cause burning and crispy leaves on your plants. and the yellowing on some leaves is from nitro deficiency. but to wards the end anyway u will have the lower part of your plants turn yellow and fall off. its your choice is u wanna put a little more nitro into your plant. just cut back on your BB man. thats a little to much


Active Member
What up people? *Day 39 of flower. *Been a little while since my last update. *After over two months off from work(recovering from ankle surgery) I'm back to being a slave to the grind! *Which means my RIU time is cut back to once a week. *Too busy and tired to update more than once a week. *Although I may do some lurking while on the clock. Lol. *Definitely hard to get my ass back in the groove! *Now I gotta get my ass up at 4am every morning and get used to going to bed early again. *This past week was a bitch waking up. *Not to mention I got a big ass blister on the bottom of my foot. The foot with my bad ankle. That was after the first day back. Shitty! * It's all good now but those first couple days back I was struggling. *Feels good though to be back making loot. Especially since I just ran out of my sick leave and annual leave. Gotta build that shit back up. *Got no more vacation time which means no more time off till next year when I get my lump sum. *Anyway RIU I'll be making a weekly update and will try and post to my friends threads and all scribed threads I keep up with.*

The 2 ladies I got going are doing pretty good! *Dam that LSD is fucking awesome looking! *Both tops on her are filling in killa and looking very tasty. I've shown a friend or two a close up pic of one of her colas. They were amazed at how well she looks. *Then I zoom out and show them the second cola on her, and their floored. *Got mofo's thinking I'm some sort of master gardener or something. * Lmao. If they only knew! * So I was having a problem with some of the smaller growth down below turning really yellow. *Not dying just yellowing. *Definitely sucking out the nitrogen. *I bought some calmax, which has seemed to improve that bottom growth and appears to be restoring the nitrogen and returning the color. *Felt good seeing that after only one dose. *Overall they are looking great. Like I've said the LSD is a lot more photogenic than the Blue Mystic. *The Blue Mystic is just a fucking beast inside my cabinet. She definitely needs more space in order to maximize her full potential. *Will definitely be saving those seeds for a future grow. *Not sure exactly how tall she is, but she is well over 5' tall. She was topped way back when and produced for tops. Those are all tied over and around. I got branches tied to other branches. *My hopes for her are not as high as the LSD. Don't get me wrong I ain't giving up on Blue. I'm gonna smoke the hell outta those budz, I just know she is not gonna produce like this LSD I got right next to her. *We'll see how the Blue Mystic is when grown in the right space for her to fully maximize her potential! *Already looking forward to my next grow. Still debating on what strains to grow. *Also debating on doing all autos or mixing. Right now I'm leaning towards 2 LSD and an auto Blue *Himalaya Diesel. * Anyway I'm BBBaked on some Maui Wowie(also have some GOD) and rambling on! *Thanks for stopping by!! Enjoy the pics, Take care, and I'll see ya when I see ya! *



Well-Known Member
Let the leaves turn. Let the chlorophyll ebb. What you want to green it up with nitrogen for, at this point?
I'm surprised that a master grower would do such a thing?

They are beautiful.

Otherwise, good work.

edit: Looks like your BMystic is going to take considerably more time to finish


Active Member
Let the leaves turn. Let the chlorophyll ebb. What you want to green it up with nitrogen for, at this point?
I'm surprised that a master grower would do such a thing?

They are beautiful.

Otherwise, good work.

edit: Looks like your BMystic is going to take considerably more time to finish

I hear ya bout letting them turn yellow. But IMO it was more a deficiency than the natural loss of nitrogen and yellowing. The calmax I bought has an npk of 2-0-0. I feel that's alright. Who knows I could be totally off but what's wrong with a little nitrogen during flowering? I had whole shoots that turned yellow. Not slowly, overnight. So I'm cool with adding a little N. We shall see!