Rookie can't figure out what this is if there is no evidence of insects!


Active Member
I posted a picture of this couple week old seedling, 2 days ago, thinking it must be spider mites. Subsequently, I inspected the leaves with a 30x lens and laid down glue traps as suggested here and have found nothing. What else might this be? I've been using good starter soil in a humidity dome, 78*, high humidity, good lighting, inside a brand new tent in a clean room. What I am most concerned with is the dozen seedlings on the tray that are just a few days old. Anybody? Thanks. This pic is from today._MG_6373.jpg


Active Member
There is no need for your younge's to be in a humidity dome my friend looks like powder mildew from high himidity, IMO seedlings dont even need to be in a dome one germinated and broken the soil level they have a tap root that they can recieve water, food. Remove the dome brother.


bud bootlegger
There is no need for your younge's to be in a humidity dome my friend looks like powder mildew from high himidity, IMO seedlings dont even need to be in a dome one germinated and broken the soil level they have a tap root that they can recieve water, food. Remove the dome brother.
yah, i tend to agree with this, looks exactly like what godspeed said, pm from too much humidity... take it out of the dome and it should help it lots.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like powdery mildew to me but it's hard to tell 100% from the picture. Wet a paper towel or cloth and wipe your leaves down. If it's powdery mildew it will wipe right off. If it doesn't wipe off then it's something else.

In the case that it is powdery mildew just wipe it off and keep the humidity dome off from now on. Serenade spray is good for killing powdery mildew but since your plants are still seedlings it's easier to just wipe it off and make sure it doesn't come back. You're going to end up cutting the infected growth off anyway when you do your pruning.


Well-Known Member
I third the diagnosis of powder mold. SURVEY SAAAAYS!!!! DING DING DING lol
Well I'm the odd one out, lol. Hopefully the OP will wipe down the leaves and report back soon letting us know if it wipes off or stays so we can put this one to rest.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm the odd one out, lol. Hopefully the OP will wipe down the leaves and report back soon letting us know if it wipes off or stays so we can put this one to rest.
it dont look like pm to me , it probably is moisture damage due to dome , but it just dont look like pm.

let her get some air , she cant breath in that dome. which will cause pm , an many other probs.



Active Member
Thanks everybody! Off goes the dome. At what point do you usually remove the dome? BTW, it doesn't wipe off. I still want some significant humidity though, right? I remain most concerned with the 12 seedlings that are a few days old, a few of which are the same strain. I look forward to the day I'm working with clones.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
your doing something the leave r deforming the heat the water might of burned the leafs but its mutating heat stress or nutrients somethings wrong.. for shure look at your leaves they are growing incorrect..


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like powdery mildew to me but it's hard to tell 100% from the picture. Wet a paper towel or cloth and wipe your leaves down. If it's powdery mildew it will wipe right off. If it doesn't wipe off then it's something else.

In the case that it is powdery mildew just wipe it off and keep the humidity dome off from now on. Serenade spray is good for killing powdery mildew but since your plants are still seedlings it's easier to just wipe it off and make sure it doesn't come back. You're going to end up cutting the infected growth off anyway when you do your pruning.
yea, i kinda do this, i have a spray bottle i bought, for like 3 bucks, has a stream/mist setting, i put it on mist, and spray them all down. if i see something wierd, i go wipe it off with a soft towel, gently. if its still there, then its necrosis due to bugs/chems. if its gone, then it was dirt/mildew.

how high is the humidity? if ya cant buy anything to get rid of it, cuz your strapped for cash, lose the dome, and leave the lights on longer, let the heat build up a bit.
Make sure to NEVER water/spray them within an hour of the lights turning off. try to do it in the morning, so you know any surface moisture has seeped into the dirt/leaves, or evaporated.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody! Off goes the dome. At what point do you usually remove the dome? BTW, it doesn't wipe off. I still want some significant humidity though, right? I remain most concerned with the 12 seedlings that are a few days old, a few of which are the same strain. I look forward to the day I'm working with clones.
If it's not wiping off then you don't have powdery mildew. Spider mites make small white dots on the tops of the leaves but not that big. Not saying you are spider mite free but that's not the type of damage they do. Thrip damage has more of a silvery look to it so it's not those.... and my girlfriend is giving me the evil eye cause she wants to leave for dinner. I'll check back in later with some more thoughts


Active Member
What kind of lighting and how far from the plants? Looks a little like light burn to me.
I may be wrong
Its been know to happen


Active Member
400 W, air cooled HDL, 24" from soil. Not hot; in fact i'm using a heating pad to get into the mid 70* range. Without the dome, the humidity is 30%. This is ina tent with pails of water, 2 drenched towels hanging and a humidifier on. Isn't 30% too low?


Active Member
I never keep my seedlings in a humidity dome bro, paper towel till i see her tap, striaght to chosen medium then once shes poped her shell off under the light she goes. I wouldnt say this is anything other then poor enviroment, shes suffered stress remove the dome give it a day or 2 and she will perk up


Active Member
I guess I got some pretty bad advice from someone at my grow store. They advised me to keep the seedlings under the dome and to aim for 85-90% humidity. And in doing this, I was spraying the seedlings as well. Now I know better. Without the dome, I have a heat pad an inch under the plants, to keep the temp around 75*. I do have low humidity issues without the dome though. 34%, even with a humidifier and wet towels. Will this be a problem? I'm thinking of adding a second humidifier to the tent.