Rookie Grower fot shits and giggles


Active Member
...sprouted 3 more bag seeds today, not sure what these are, found them in my junk drawer, they could be years old but they germed well...
You never know what hidden gem you may come across. I was in the same boat as you about 4 months ago, a friend of mine gave me some 4 year old "bag seed" to see what I could grow (if anything). And luckily, they all sprouted just fine and here I am about 8 Weeks into Flowering. I'm pretty excited since it's my first grow and all...I'm already planning for my second grow, which I will construct my own grow-tent.

Treat those plants right, give them what they need and you definitely won't regret wishes on the rest of your grow! :weed:


Active Member
im sort of in the same boat as you, only difference is, im doing an outdoor grow on my patio, and i live in californa. my buddy tossed me a few seeds and said, see what you can do, so ill give it a shot lol, i only hope to have my plants looking nice like yours in a little while lol. job well done, keep it goin, god bless


Well-Known Member
does any one kno if 1550K lights are any better or worse than 1700k lights for flowering?

and i too am already planning my 2nd grow hahaha! well im in the process of my 2nd grow!


Well-Known Member

here are a few more updated pics from my closet grow op. ive moved everything closer to the lights, now do u guys and ladies think that my plant is showing a good color? i was told dark green isnt a good thing and that it should be a lighter green almost lime green or apple green in color. these are the best pics i could get of the color....thanks


Well-Known Member
jus noticed some little white hairs on a few branches........guess the waiting game has begun!!! gonna go look at these pretty babies again!


Well-Known Member
so shes been flowering for 3 weeks and 2 days, under 12/12 lights for 4 weeks and 2 days. Figured id give u guys an update.


sorry a few of them are out of focus


Well-Known Member
Thanks.....i havent put much money into it at all no more than about 50 bucks on cfls and outlet converters soil and the such....i wasnt looking to get a huge yield....came out with a female got a clone going strong bout ready to wrap this grow and see what i can conjure up for grow number 2 now that im ready to make a solid investment


Well-Known Member
the only questtion i have i my buds dnt seem to be getting any juicier.......just hairs galore......its week 3 of flowering (since i saw first hairs) and 4 weeks since 12/12 of hairs are turning reddish brown like in the pic i posted for the 4-5 week pretty sure im on the right path......i feed hydroponic-research veg+bloom nutes at 3 tsp per gallon how long til i see what ive put in all the hard work and man hours for, that being buds......hairs just arent doing it for me......and is my girl gonna be covered in "sugar" or are there some strains that dont cover themselves in triches?

View attachment 2283910


Active Member
Hey there OBIWANdza, your fluorescent may not be as bad as you think. Check out for an overview of lights (fluoro) and plants, from the manufacturers themselves.

Also see\&res=hires&typ=pdf (Page 14) (hope the link works it may be session based) for some spectral analysis of each fluoros output. See if you can find a matching 3 digit colour number on your bulb. You can also buy Grolux T8s and T5s in most common sizes for about $15, perhaps to replace your bulb with a more suitable one. I have a 4MB Sylvania PDF with their lights but upload manager gives me an ! after uploading and it wont succeed.


Active Member
Also dude, dont worry about hairs changing just give them time to do what they gotta do. Get a jewellers magniying glass from amazon and look at the trichs for the real indicators.

Regarding your lights i think you should hang a daylight flouro down the unlit side, maybe try to put a cardboard box of aluminium foil around them. Things are looking dead on for now but you may as well try to get the most light on them as you can from all sides.

Sorry bout the Grolux recommendation, i didnt look to see you were using compact fluoros.


Well-Known Member
So hackmagic are u saying that im fine with the set up, i rotate my pot daily so each side gets light. My lights are 100w cfls 2 of them are 2550K and the other 2 are 2700K o forget the number of lumens


Active Member
Well what i am saying is that as you have spent $50 on your setup be happy that your little friend is budding happily. You will not get monster nugs but you should get the same quality smoke as anyone else, and prob 0.5-1 oz dry if you are lucky (depending on how dry is dry to you - we arent measuring Hearson Oven Volatiles here to test moisture content!). The only thing 'wrong' is that your lights are not great.

But then consider the following:\&res=hires&typ=pdf

Link 1 tells you that the optimum light wavelengths for most 'normal' plant absorption are 430 & 450 nm (blue), 640 & 660 nm (red), though plants will use the green-sensitive carotenes/chlorophylls to produce energy via a less efficient mechanism (link 2).

The 3rd link is to the Osram PlantaStar bulb, a colour adjusted HPS bulb to provide better growth (blue light - you can see the small blue bump on the spectrum on the second page). Note that most of the light for the HPS is emitted between 570-640nm. So, compare that spectrum against the spectra on the first and second links and you will see that a lot of light is wasted. This is compensated for by the fact that the HPS bulb outputs a LOT of light. Also note the luminous flux values (32000lm for a 250W bulb) and compare them to the typical fluorescent - about 1500lm at 25w. If you had 10 fluorescents you would have about half the perceived light output of the HPS, and this is true - a HPS has about 150lm/W efficiacy (the term for electricity -> light efficiency) and the fluorescent has about 75lm/W.

To complicate matters the measurement of lumens is misleading due to it being a measurement of light intensity as perceived by the human eye (see the last 2 links), which gives far greater weight to the green colours - exactly the opposite of what a plant sees! This effectively reduces the massive number of lumens (for some kind of incorrect comparison) to something perhaps more comparable to a Grolux fluorescent (see previous post) that has about 60% of the lumen output of a cool white fluoro but is almost perfectly spectrum matched to the absoption spectrum of plants (a high PAR - Photosynthetically Active Radiation - value).

You could add LEDs in the mix but they have to be pretty much bang on the peak wavelengths of the plant absorption spectrum or they will fail spectacularly (as many people have realised after buying lovely 'Red' and 'Blue' arrays!), as LEDs generally only emit light well over a 20nm range.

The long and the short is no artificial light source is perfect (the Gravita Pro 300 LEP?) for plant growing and the choice for everyone is based on many factors (PAR, overall intensity, room size, heat build-up, fire risk, cost (initial and running) etc). So as i say things look like they are going fine for you, and it is all a learning curve. Just stay chilled, go with the flow and enjoy it and i'm sure things will work themselves out in the end - they always do!


Active Member
Sorry forgot to say that the 100w CFL is a 100W replacement, so prob about 25w per bulb. I really think you should make some kind of reflector from aluminium foil to maximise the light on the plant. How much is getting down there now, maybe 25% thats coming from the bulb?

You could consider repotting if you can, maybe not much bigger is necessary, but consider thats maybe a 7l pot with 5l of soil in it? if you use a 10l pot and filled pretty much to the top then you would have doubled the volume available to the roots. Also a layer of clay pebbles at the bottom works well to provide drainage and keeps your roots aerated when they get that far down. I like to put a column of pebbles through the soil using a thin walled tube to provide air exchange for the bottom, if the pot is big enough.