Root Booster

I'm a hydro grower and I have found with my setup keeping the zone at 65 has far outpaced higher temps re root mass. I have also been using a few different microbes and be it anecdotal, they seem to be helping the roots stay healthy.
if you do not know what a fan will do to grow bigger roots then you do not read any info how to grow ! I will not tell you how a fan makes bigger roots this sis some thing you should know . just like ph the water . read some info . then you will know .
Good soil with microhe
if you do not know what a fan will do to grow bigger roots then you do not read any info how to grow ! I will not tell you how a fan makes bigger roots this sis some thing you should know . just like ph the water . read some info . then you will know .
Yea ok because it don't . You probably ph your soil grows too.
Sadly I don't know how fans/wind grows bigger roots either. Could be I'm just to old for these new modern ways lol. But I will definitely look into this!
So I have read the posts and I agree with a few things. Microbes and beneficial fungi will help your roots, that is fact. I use a product called recharge and it has been my go to for microbes/fungi for the past couple of years. As far a fans go, I have a nice size fan in my tent at all times. I believe the idea is to create wind like outdoors to strengthen the stems of the plant and to keep dust off plants and to keep air circulating in the area. As far as if a fan will make your roots stronger/bigger, I'm not sure I would buy that without some sort of research. I also like to add fresh aloe to my seedlings. I scrape the gel out of the plant and mix it with water with a hand blender and use it for foliar and root drench. It is also a great organic cloning gel. It works better than the stuff from the store.
some info pertaining to the root question . and my FAN suggestion that does not work according to other expert farmers on roolitup . but in every other garden except for roolit up experts a fan will help . ....
So I looked and I looked and no where did I see it say fans made roots bigger, perhaps another link? I'm just fucking with you as I do think fans are a good thing for the part that sticks out of the ground btw. Just don't know how it affects the roots. I have grown many plants with no fan and honestly they were just as strong as with a fan. But again I do think air circulating is a good thing.
So I looked and I looked and no where did I see it say fans made roots bigger, perhaps another link? I'm just fucking with you as I do think fans are a good thing for the part that sticks out of the ground btw. Just don't know how it affects the roots. I have grown many plants with no fan and honestly they were just as strong as with a fan. But again I do think air circulating is a good thing.

Fans do make a difference in root growth in my opinion. The roots seem to take hold faster and stronger. I would assume it would be a protection mechanism of the plant to withstand hard winds.

Before I put the fan in, the roots were big and thicker. After I put the fan in, they seem much more fibrous. I did however start using homemade airpots during the switch as well. In either event, a breeze on the plants is a great thing.

I can say that an oscillating fan has made the nuisance of tying up branches go away completely though. That and some silica.
I agree a fan is a good thing, do I think it's good blowing on the plant, no. Do I have proof, no, they just seem to do better. And not saying they don't increase root size either just said I had never read or heard of that. Just wanted to clarify my stance on this. And the op seemed to be getting all attitudey Judy lol.
if you do not know what a fan will do to grow bigger roots then you do not read any info how to grow ! I will not tell you how a fan makes bigger roots this sis some thing you should know . just like ph the water . read some info . then you will know .
Im just starting to grow hydro and I run 2 fans 24hrs for circulation help with heat and to help dry out my medium which assists in oxygenation of the roots would that explain how fans h3lp roots or am i barking up the wrong tree
I use Hydroguard to maintain good root health and twice weekly bennie tea using Recharge (doesn't require brewing) - they grow thick and woody after 2 months' veg.

When transplanting I scratch a myco powder into the coco so it has direct contact with the roots when they go in.

When using Rapid Start in veg I saw much more fuzzy white root growth, but can't say without a doubt that the roots were better/worth it. I hear Roots Excelurator is the same product just more concentrated; I have a sample that i've never used.

I tried real hard to run a sterile res (E&F) at first, but fighting floaties and root rot I switched to top feeding bennies (not in the res) and never looked back.
you can use any nutrient you want do they really work that's another question . want strong roots my advice run 18/6 and keep the temps below 75f this will make those roots grow nicely and have a fan blowing on the plants 24/7 not super hard mild . this grows nice big roots fill a 5 or 10 gallon pot .
My tent temps are 28c to 32c (tropics, no air-con), the roots don't seem to have any problems growing, they're soon poking out the side of the pots.
I'm surprised some forum members aren't telling you to plant on a waning moon, circle 3 times round the pot (widdershins) and make some magical chants.