Root Bound question


Active Member
I have been wondering something about root bound plants.

If i have a pot, and my plant gets root bound in it, will it die?

Or will it just be smaller? I am talking about growing in buckets this size about

I am thinking of doing one soil, and one hempy.


Well-Known Member
First, make sure you drill drainage holes in the bottom of that bucket.

When a plant first goes into dirt it spends almost all it's energy growing roots until the roots hit the inside of the pot. At that point the plant has put down all the roots it needs to support the plant. There is very little above ground growth while the roots are stretching out. So you want to see a full rootball when you transplant. It is not rootbound just because the roots fill the pot. That's the way it should be when you TP into a larger pot.
* OG hint -- You can tell about how widespread root growth is by watching the largest fan leaves. The fastest leaves grow out the same speed as the roots. So when the fans first start hanging over the pot rim you know the rootball is complete.

Good luck, BigSteve.