Root Clone Test - pictures

For example....
Where I live getting caugth transporting 1-5 clones eqals BIG fine. Getting caught with 6 and more means I go to jail.
Being stopped by LEA with bucket of dirt in my car...I go home and laugh about it.

Good point....I see how a rootball would be a bad ass way of transporting good genes with pretty much no risk of getting caught....and another application with this method I see that is favorable is keeping those good auto flower genes like hobbes said but other than that.......??????.............Well hopefully someone get some sprouts to pop up from them roots...............HopeFullY
going to 3rd week now, nothing showin, still optimistic.

Beeker think months not weeks. Hopefully cloning in a bubbler and getting the correct temperature and humidity will speed things up in time. Patience and good technique and we will all get budding.


Good point....I see how a rootball would be a bad ass way of transporting good genes with pretty much no risk of getting caught....and another application with this method I see that is favorable is keeping those good auto flower genes like hobbes said but other than that.......??????.............Well hopefully someone get some sprouts to pop up from them roots...............HopeFullY

It does have limited use because of the legnth of time to bud, but it it cool and fun.

Unique benefits to Root Cloning (unique more or less)

1. Save genetics when a clone wasn't kept. (without reveging)
2. Hundreds/thousands of sprouts for a commercial grower timed for spring with little equipment or tending.
3. Auto flower cloning (in theory)
4. Transporting clones risk free - that's ingenious, I hadn't thought of that.
5. One small pack of roots per harvested plant may be of use to a home grower - a series of zip locks of roots timed to bud as new plants are needed.

Can anyone think of other benefits unique to root cloning?


you guys have to cut up the roots close to the root ball
place them horizontal or vertical with the tips above to soil

T5 Nick made horrid sport of my marijuana addled memory yesterday for posting that entire technique for the second time (posts 166 and 196). I cried. So I'm not going to tease you, just ask that you post it again in three days when I'll have completely forgotten about it again. Great method, lots of colorful pictures. I'm stoked every time I find it! ;)

They're using thicker woodier roots that we are - a different technique - it would be like cloning with woody cuttings. I'm harvesting a Pandora's Box in a few days, I'll harvest the adventitious roots for "normal" root cloning and give this method a go with the seminal root. With pics posted.

The author makes a note of using a medium that will not rot the roots - no soil - mulch etc. I'm also impressed with the system he has for producing evaporation and condensation and drawing moisture up through the medium and root pieces. A bag and a stick. Will the advancements of technology never slow.


I'm just starting a run of auto flowering diesel ryders, I'll try this and let you know how it works for autos

Good stuff StupidClown!

It would be amazing if the sprouts had the genetic age of new plants, amazing breakthrough.

And you will be the person to make the breakthrough!



T5 Nick made horrid sport of my marijuana addled memory yesterday for posting that entire technique for the second time (posts 166 and 196). I cried. So I'm not going to tease you, just ask that you post it again in three days when I'll have completely forgotten about it again. Great method, lots of colorful pictures. I'm stoked every time I find it! ;)

They're using thicker woodier roots that we are - a different technique - it would be like cloning with woody cuttings. I'm harvesting a Pandora's Box in a few days, I'll harvest the adventitious roots for "normal" root cloning and give this method a go with the seminal root. With pics posted.

The author makes a note of using a medium that will not rot the roots - no soil - mulch etc. I'm also impressed with the system he has for producing evaporation and condensation and drawing moisture up through the medium and root pieces. A bag and a stick. Will the advancements of technology never slow.


no, no, no, its cool hobbs post it 100 times if you like
i love this method and others i will also try to find more info on how this is done in differant way
a lot of info that i have found on this did not have pictures so i did not post any of this info (i have to read with pics/ LOL)

anyways, this only proves that this does work
but i did notice that there way of doing it is a lot differant then the way discribed in the first few posts of this thread
Cool thread. Reminds me of how banana trees usually propagate, by clones derived from roots. Only different is that b-trees just sorta send up new shoots on their own.

Messing with apical meristems is fun, especially in conjunction with the application of the right hormones, imo.
I'm going to try a new way. got some hydro roots i will cut up and put in some soil. just like cloning i will mix up some dip n grow as if i were taking cuttings, but i will pour this in the pot. then water, and i will NOT cover it. i think they need light so i will treat it as if i planted seeds. just keep it moist and in some 27 k light but not right under the lights. wonder if it works and i use a female if all the sprouts would be female also.
I'm going to try a new way. got some hydro roots i will cut up and put in some soil. just like cloning i will mix up some dip n grow as if i were taking cuttings, but i will pour this in the pot. then water, and i will NOT cover it. i think they need light so i will treat it as if i planted seeds. just keep it moist and in some 27 k light but not right under the lights. wonder if it works and i use a female if all the sprouts would be female also.

try this but use clear plastic wrap


Nothing yet. Like I said in the first post of the thread - like watching sod grow.

I'm adding roots in different types of containers as I harvest plants - zip lock bags, sealed plastic cups, suspended above a bubbler, in the bubbler water. Lots of fun and no work. It could take until the summer when the temperatures are warmer and more consistent - that was when the last batch budded a decade ago.


the info i found said this could take a year everyone sit back and chill

hey hodds did you do one like the setup i found above
Saw your original post about this a long time ago Hobbes, and have thought about it off and on since then. Awesome you're doing so much to explore this, very very interesting. Props man.
hold on this could take a year? I was thinking of trying this in a autopot so if anyone could advise me on PH for doing this in coco . plus coco has no EC so should I add any nutes? what about microbes etc..... the help would be appreciated
Perhaps regulating temps i the secret in getting them to sprout? Maybe the roots need a cold period for a month or so, then a warm consistent temp?

I have a feelin if we could get this all figured out root cloning wouldn't be so bad of a choice.