Root Damaged Help!!

IMG_20160909_082655420.jpg IMG_20160909_082438685_TOP.jpg IMG_20160909_082655420.jpg IMG_20160909_082708993.jpg Ok so my plants started loosing several leaves a day a week into flower....realized they were root bound due to pots not being big enough....(Our Second grow and first grow that has gotten to flower that's a female)..... Transplant was successful...However, the stakes fell over some how a few days later...while taking them back up the root broke...I got super thrive and watered it and it started to come back but has not stood up completely....because both plants are in the same may have burned the other plant I don't I said I'm new to this....if you have any tips to pull me outta this one I'll love u forever hehe


Active Member
the pic could be better it looks like it's burnt and fried from too much nutrients. What nutrients, dirt, and size of pot are you using?