Root Problem


my rooms seemed to have gone a little browish ? could this be a reaction to the plant just recently being topped ? the other 2 clones have fresh roots bright white (however they were added to the bucket a day or so after i topped my first plant.

(all clones btw)

should i just wait a few more days and see what happens ?

i dont have a therm in the water yet so i cant provide water temps... when i put my hands in the water its not COLD or HOT its somewhere in the middle lol (cooler than warmer)



Well-Known Member
A little browning is normal...but it looks like you've got some slime starting to go on...when was the last time you changed out your reservoir?


New Member
We need information and probably better asked in the DWC forum.

Room Temps?
Water Temps?
Beneficials or sterile?
Nutrients? PPM? PH?

I mean if you are guessing *ANY* of these, do NOT continue to grow with this method! You need to be as on top of your water properties as you would if you were in a soil mix. I mean you can put a plant in the ground or any potting soil and "think or guess" it should be enough or correct and that is what you are doing in hydro (water) if you are attempting to tell us that is all the information you have.

Sorry harsh but I am attempting to save you weeks, months or heartache. Yes they always look good as any new plant would, but as they mature and demands increase your method of growing and accuracy effect it tenfold often ending looking like yours.


Well-Known Member
Some people have used a cap full of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of h20 with there nutes, but making sure to test ppm and ph after they use it.


AN - Grow Micro Bloom 2/2/1

box temp - 83F
wATER temp - UNKNOWN (will get a therm in a day or 2)
ppm - UNKNOWN (guess ill need one of these too)
ph - 5.8

sterile or beneficials ? unknown

im just trying to copy my friend lol money isnt a issue i will get the required equipment to grow this way... any more help you guys could provide would be awesome !