Root Riot Plugs


Well-Known Member
Somethings changed about these plugs in the past year or two. Finished up my old bag today and cracked into the new one. Old ones were very spongey and not crumbly and new ones are.more similar to rapid rooters which is kind of crumbly peat. Anyone else notice this change?

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
Ahh "root rots". I remember the last bag I got years back. Came with a hole punch sized opening, right from the grow shop, like it was a purposefully placed vent hole. Came with root innoculation powders too or something. Anyway. They were still moist, but..

I swear I got gnats from that bag, because the hole. Like one flew in and laid eggs. Maybe not, and a total coincidence, but I switched to RW ever since. I could see them drying out if they still put holes in the bags like that. I dunno why mine did, but might be because it was a sample bag back they were giving out.