Hello everyone,
Went against my normal procedure of germinating seeds ( glass of water for 12 hours - paper towel until tap root then plant) So germinated my seeds in paper towels and planted them in root riot sponges literally as they cracked, placed them in my propagator dome which they have been in 2 days and seemed to be growing perfectly until today they have drooped and are dry as sticks ffs . 2 had sprouted and looked perfectly healthy yesterday- first leaves and secondary were through pretty quick. I ended up going to bed pretty early last night and completely forgot to throw a few drops of water on the root riot sponges and this morning the seedlings looked terrible and are dry to the touch (crispy). I have since planted them in soil (still in the sponges) and watered. Just checked them and they are still dry to the touch. Are they dead??
3 blue cheese and one critical.
Yes this soil is terrible but thats not the problem (yet).
Went against my normal procedure of germinating seeds ( glass of water for 12 hours - paper towel until tap root then plant) So germinated my seeds in paper towels and planted them in root riot sponges literally as they cracked, placed them in my propagator dome which they have been in 2 days and seemed to be growing perfectly until today they have drooped and are dry as sticks ffs . 2 had sprouted and looked perfectly healthy yesterday- first leaves and secondary were through pretty quick. I ended up going to bed pretty early last night and completely forgot to throw a few drops of water on the root riot sponges and this morning the seedlings looked terrible and are dry to the touch (crispy). I have since planted them in soil (still in the sponges) and watered. Just checked them and they are still dry to the touch. Are they dead??

Yes this soil is terrible but thats not the problem (yet).
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