Root rot during flowering - Will she survive?


Active Member
For starters, I've included pics of two bud sites at the bottom of this post. What had and is currently going on is the following:

I had started discussing this, my first grow, in another thread (, and then also found out that not only I had some problems but the seeds I was sold weren't the strain I had originally thought ( Anyway, besides all that, I had a question to the community - Will my plant make it through the rest of flowering or am I pretty fucked?

I first discovered signs of root rot after one day cleaning out my res and catching a whiff of something awful. The roots up to this point were doing fine, white as can be and enjoying life. But I guess at some point one of my airstones stopped working or light leaks were apparent or dead leaves getting into the res or something because the roots started turning brown and fell apart quite easily. Sadly, I knew something like this must have been happening because my plant didn't seem to be doing too well for having been flowering for a few weeks.

I removed the dead, rotting roots and changed out the res as normal, hoping that (since this was my first grow) it was just a fluke and wouldn't be much of a problem. Well, the smell was there during every water change and the buds didn't seem to be making much of a development, especially from what I've seen on these forums from other growers. I started to check the hydrotron rocks around her main stalk. After pulling enough away, I noticed the root structure netted in with the rocks, all of which were brown and obviously rotted. Now I was really freaking out.

So after researching every post on root rot and pythium, I started cleaning my hoses and airstones and res and hydrotron rocks with h2o2, pH'd water, and hygrozyme. I flushed out the hydrotron rocks / root area with the same numerous times (have been doing it for the past 3 days as well). I am noticing the water in the res during changes has a brown tint and bits of dead stuff floating in it, so I'm hoping this is working. But my main question at this point is whether she'll be able to continue flowering or if I should just give up and start again?


The pistils look nice in some spots, but the leaves around and everything else is making me feel like she's pretty f'd at this point. I'm just wondering if I continue this regiment and then possibly slowly reintroduce nutes (always used the Flora series from GH) if she'll have a chance to at least finish flowering and can be harvested, or if I'm just fighting a losing battle.

Anyway, thanks for any and all input. This site is the best and I've learned so much from not only my first grow but also the awesome members around here :)


Active Member
Bumping in hopes that someone can offer their opinion. I could also post a pic of the root rot entangling the hydrotron rocks around the main stem base if requested (could take during next flush).


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem...other then the root roots turned brown..but had a nice clean smell to problem was jacked up overnight and went from 5.8 to 7.2...wayyyy to high..and overnight it looked just like yours...are you checking your ph daily?need to keep it stable to keep it flowering normal.and do you have something covering the net cups and hydroton?and how lightproof is your box....some more pics might help us out bro...but dont give up just yet....ill show what happened to was a party cup converted to a dwc...had about the same issues..but has bounced back and is growing like crazy now...
before i put it in the dwc....
after the ph was at 7.2
and her now...


Well-Known Member
man hydroton has been my downfall I think, the shits really hard to get clean and I just don't like it in general , I recently switched to sunleaves rocks, they are advertised as the rock that doesn't roll. But I'm liking them I think, they're real new to me , my only other solution was this silica based stuff, dunno even what it is but its costly. If the sunleaves rocks don't work for me I'll probably end up trying the silica based stuff. I know I didn't even really touch on your question but I dunno, h202 the fuck out of it and nothing will live.


Well-Known Member
oh right, I could have mentioned ewc tea. instead of running a sterile res you brew this tea the contains beneficial bacteria and fungi. This won't help you with your current situation but it may prevent a future occurrence of the same thing happening again. Beneficial bacteria in the hydroponic setting don't have many benefits other than they populate the rootzone so bad things can't live there. User heisenberg turned me on to it, just search his username and you'll find a recipe for the tea, it can also be used foliar to prevent fungus and mildew not to mention its said to kill spidermites. good luck and happy growing


Active Member
Thanks for the input. I'll light proof the hydrotron rocks as well to see if that helps. More dead roots pulled off today and I've noticed that underneath the net cups a white foam is appearing. I'll be flushing and changing out the res again tonight, so I'll try and get pics of different areas as well. A lot of the fan leaves have turned yellow and easily pulled off; the ones left are droopy. I'm thinking of adding half strength nutes to the next res change and hope for the best


Active Member
Well, she's still drooping, but I'm hoping that it's just due to overwatering since I've flushed/changed the res consecutively for the past 5 days (last night finally adding half strength nutes). I'm concerned that if the leaves drooping are not due to overwatering then maybe the root rot finally won and the h2o2 & hygrozyme ate up too much of the root zone or something. She looks so sad :( but since I've already gone through a few days of flushing with pH'd/h2o2/hygrozyme-water, maybe she's just stressed. Here's hoping she bounces back >_< otherwise I may have to chop her down and start anew.