Root rot in bloom? Please help me find a solution.

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Just so you guys know...
I will never give up on a MJ plant in my grow chamber! No matter how bad she looks. I will take care of this girl for as long as she will stay living.


Well-Known Member
If you go with this though, make sure that you also get yourself a de-humidifier, the ac unit is going to cool the air and add moisture, the nutrient tank stands a good chance of being warmer than the air and this is quite likely to increase humidity.

You could consider getting the little lunch bags and filling them with some ice cubes tie it up and keep it in the corner well away from the roots if this is possible.

Either that or change your res more often and use cold water, that way it will take a little longer for the water temps to get up.

There are also those little freezer blocks that you keep in cool bags for drinks on a hot day.

Ideally the temp of the water should be lower than the air temp.

Dude, you're partly right... In order for water to evaporate, it's gotta be warmer than the air around it. But, as far as AC adding humidity? You've got it totally backwards. An air conditioner is basically a DEhumidifier which extracts the warm moisture from the air and cools it. Good call on the whole tying the bag of ice down... I can't believe that never occured to me bro!! You think that would work?? DEFINITELY don't use those freeze packs though; they're notorious for leaking, and even though they're supposed to be "non-toxic", I doubt one of those things leaking inside the res would be anything but a nightmare. I'm gonna steal that idea, though, for sure! I've been using fishing line and sinkers to keep all my airstones from floating, or turning upside down. I bet you could rig some type of container with ice in it with a bunch of sinkers attached somehow... Sweet idea man! I wonder how far from the roots it would have to be, though? Any thoughts? Once the roots start really growing, I think it would do more harm than good. Would probably be great for the first stages of a grow though.. I think it was Tokecrazy that came up with a pretty sweet idea for me, of rigging some type of "poor man's" cooling coil: wrap the airline going to your airstones around some type of "dowel", and place inside a small thermos, throw a bunch of ice packs inside the thermos, drill holes for the airline to go in and out...Nothing but COLD air bubbling into your res! Not to mention, the ice would last for a WHILE being inside the thermos! Anyway, thanks for the ideas man! Best of luck to Stargrl. Oh, nongreen is right on - your res temps should not only be lower than your air temp, but ideally, ALOT lower!!! ESPECIALLY for plants with ANY stress/problems, and even more so for ones with the dreaded ROOT ROT/Pythium, etc... If you check the info on this site, in particular from experienced growers, they seem to swear by low res temps. I think they say that around 70 is fine, but that leaves the potential for all sorts of crap to grow in your res. I've read that 65 or even less is the best for good growth, while preventing any type of pathogens from growing, and to help damaged roots heal. Peace!:peace:

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Sad news guys. I have been floating as much frozen stuff in there as I can fit without touching the roots and the temp still returns to around 80F by the time I get out of school... She is dying, I want to transplant her to dirt because it will lower the temp of her growing environment. Not because I think it will heal her root rot problem. Maybe she will make it if she had some cooler dirt to grow in.



Well-Known Member
Dude, you're partly right... In order for water to evaporate, it's gotta be warmer than the air around it. But, as far as AC adding humidity? You've got it totally backwards. An air conditioner is basically a DEhumidifier which extracts the warm moisture from the air and cools it.
Ac units can remove humidity to cool the air, but most air conditioner units keep the humidity at around 40-60%, plus with cooling the air and not the res, I believe that humidity will raise, seeing as chances are that with the dry heat the temps will be high and the humditiy will be low already, so you could see the humidity raise upto 60% when you would like it to be lower.

I just dont see the point if creating more problems

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
I can not control the temperature of my rez. It is official, I tried my best. I just can't do enough being at school for most of the day. It looks like I failed. :(

Could it get any worse If I transplanted her into dirt?

Would these roots even survive in dirt?

Then, just for kicks a depressing look into the past.
Back before the heat began to steadily rise:



Well-Known Member
How about if you got yourself a second container just like the one you have now, run 2 nute solutions both same nutes and ph, change them over each day and cool the one thats not in use heavily without risk of damaging the roots.


Well-Known Member
Ac units can remove humidity to cool the air, but most air conditioner units keep the humidity at around 40-60%, plus with cooling the air and not the res, I believe that humidity will raise, seeing as chances are that with the dry heat the temps will be high and the humditiy will be low already, so you could see the humidity raise upto 60% when you would like it to be lower.

I just dont see the point if creating more problems
What's up bro. I'm trying out your ideas to cool my res as we speak, so thanks again for throwing out that "tying down ice in the res thing". With all due respect though - and I MEAN that man, for real - I think you're wrong. It's probably pointless now anyway, as the girl's plant looks pretty horrible. SO sad. "AC units CAN remove humidity to cool the air"? umm... Not only CAN they, they DO. That's the principle. My AC unit puts out a TON of water every day as it cools my house. Where do think that water is coming from? When the hot air, which holds lots of moisture, comes in contact with the cooling coils in the AC unit, the moisture condenses, collects, and drains to the outside. The cool, dry air is then blown back into the house. This process is repeated over and over. Plus, this girl's worst problem, among many others, is HEAT. And NO, most AC's don't keep the humidity at 40-60%.( Even if it DID, humidity is a HELL of a lot easier to address than CRAZY plant killing temps. Is the humidity killing her girl? NO. The HEAT is. Plus, 40-60 is not HORRIBLY high, and again, buy some freaking dampit if you're worried about it during flowering) On a hot day, that's an avg. RH for the outside HOT air. How could things POSSIBLY get worse if she were to cool the HOT ass air in her grow space?? You're saying that, cooling the res is more important than cooling the SOURCE OF THE HEAT? Why do think the res is hot to begin with? The AC would fix the bigger problem, that of a hot room, and bad ventilation. I understand what you're trying to say - I'm just PISSED because I'm gonna come off as one of those A-holes who likes to bitch and fight with other people who are just trying to HELP. We're all growers, and from your posts, it sounds like you've got WORLDS more experience than I do. But think about it: HEAT is her most serious issue; even if the res was still HOT AS HELL, and started evaporating like CRAZY, ..... GUESS WHAT? The AC unit will take that HOT HUMIDITY and suck out the moisture, send it outside, and bring more cool air back in. I mean, what would be easier? Cooling an absurdly hot room( with a nice cool res), with HID lighting in it, or cooling a hot res in a nice cool room?? That cool res won't help the horrible room temps, but the cool room will absolutely help the res stay cool><><>> Holy shit, man. I sound like such an asshole. Damnit. The girl's a MED-POT patient, man. MORE people should be helping, but not unless they're SURE their info is right on. Maybe I should take my own advice, but I'll wait until some more people weigh in. Peace, good luck to you STARGRL.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I dont take it as though your bitchin, its just discussion dude, you may well know more about a/c units I dont know, but from what i do know and what i have read i was lead to believe that an air con unit is designed to usually keep the humidity levels between 40-60%. If i am wrong then so be it, but I dont see heat stress on the leaves, the problems with the leaves are to do with the root rot in the tank. In my grow space I have had troubles with high heats, my grow space has gone up to highs of 48 deg c in the past the res's have always been cooler though, the res's always feel like cool water to me, I have since changed flowering hours to go through the night instead of through these hot summer days and add more fans and improve ventilation during "light" hours. I am keeping a steady 30 deg c (90) throughout night and day now.

This might actually sound weird to you guys but I do actually own a water heater for each nute tanks that I set at 23 deg c to keep it warm.

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
What's up bro. I'm trying out your ideas to cool my res as we speak, so thanks again for throwing out that "tying down ice in the res thing". With all due respect though - and I MEAN that man, for real - I think you're wrong. It's probably pointless now anyway, as the girl's plant looks pretty horrible. SO sad. "AC units CAN remove humidity to cool the air"? umm... Not only CAN they, they DO. That's the principle. My AC unit puts out a TON of water every day as it cools my house. Where do think that water is coming from? When the hot air, which holds lots of moisture, comes in contact with the cooling coils in the AC unit, the moisture condenses, collects, and drains to the outside. The cool, dry air is then blown back into the house. This process is repeated over and over. Plus, this girl's worst problem, among many others, is HEAT. And NO, most AC's don't keep the humidity at 40-60%.( Even if it DID, humidity is a HELL of a lot easier to address than CRAZY plant killing temps. Is the humidity killing her girl? NO. The HEAT is. Plus, 40-60 is not HORRIBLY high, and again, buy some freaking dampit if you're worried about it during flowering) On a hot day, that's an avg. RH for the outside HOT air. How could things POSSIBLY get worse if she were to cool the HOT ass air in her grow space?? You're saying that, cooling the res is more important than cooling the SOURCE OF THE HEAT? Why do think the res is hot to begin with? The AC would fix the bigger problem, that of a hot room, and bad ventilation. I understand what you're trying to say - I'm just PISSED because I'm gonna come off as one of those A-holes who likes to bitch and fight with other people who are just trying to HELP. We're all growers, and from your posts, it sounds like you've got WORLDS more experience than I do. But think about it: HEAT is her most serious issue; even if the res was still HOT AS HELL, and started evaporating like CRAZY, ..... GUESS WHAT? The AC unit will take that HOT HUMIDITY and suck out the moisture, send it outside, and bring more cool air back in. I mean, what would be easier? Cooling an absurdly hot room( with a nice cool res), with HID lighting in it, or cooling a hot res in a nice cool room?? That cool res won't help the horrible room temps, but the cool room will absolutely help the res stay cool><><>> Holy shit, man. I sound like such an asshole. Damnit. The girl's a MED-POT patient, man. MORE people should be helping, but not unless they're SURE their info is right on. Maybe I should take my own advice, but I'll wait until some more people weigh in. Peace, good luck to you STARGRL.:peace:

Thanks jazzman, don't worry you don't sound like an ass just like you have a point to prove and you want to help. Thanks for the advice, but sadly I can not use it. I don't have the right window type for a room AC unit or the money to afford one right now. My window opens to the side and it is really large. I am going to buy a fan for the ducting. I am going to try transplanting her into dirt and see what that dose. I am gone way to long to try and continue the frozen water bottle floats. They are doing nothing for me. I will keep you guys updated on the outcome.


Well-Known Member
That's a sad thing to hear, I'm sorry if she doesn't make it, but atleast you'll never make the same mistakes twice in growing. Learn from that, and value the experience you got from the grow and try not to be too dissapointed or discouraged that it was only 38 days-or-so from harvest and you lost your shirt. I wish you the best.

I didn't get CFL fans because I didn't know about them until someone mentioned them and showed me what they look like on this thread.

Plus I didn't have good ventilation systems because my last grow was vigorous and strong with a good yield with absolutely no ventilation accept when I opened the door to blow the big fan in every day. I must have had a freakishly tough strain to take that kind of abuse but it worked for me. So for my first few grows, thats what I did. Its only since this grow have I learned the importance of good ventilation. This Purple Kush strain must me much more fragile and sensitive....

She is probably going to die from it. I'm trying everything you guys tell me to do asap, but it looks like I am to late. She has been acting like she is beyond the point of revival. :(

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
That's a sad thing to hear, I'm sorry if she doesn't make it, but at least you'll never make the same mistakes twice in growing. Learn from that, and value the experience you got from the grow and try not to be too disappointed or discouraged that it was only 38 days-or-so from harvest and you lost your shit. I wish you the best.
I will learn from this failure, I will improve my grow chamber with a better ventilation system.. Now I understand the importance of a cool, clean growing chamber. She probably got that root rot disease because of my carelessness. I went through with the transplant and just ended up waisting a lot of dirt by exposing it to her diseased roots. Nothing improved she just continues to die away. It is quite depressing. But at least I have learned a valuable lesson about growing. I will not make this mistake again.


Well-Known Member
Sorry she didnt make it.You need to wash down your grow cab with some bleach and water to kill all things growing in there and the res and pots ect.Than paint the inside flat white it reflects more light on the plants.If you start with a sterile cab and sterilize your res and all,you have a better chance of not getting any disease.You show a pix of your cab before where you are going to put the vent.I would put two vents for passive air,Both at the bottom on opposite sides and the exhuast at the top.Heres a pix of my cab.If they dont post here go to marijuana pix secton they are there. I hope you have better luck next time.PEACE


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem recently and I added hydrogaurd to clear up to root rot and i added a powerhead instead of using an airstone which solved the problem very quickly. Also Ive read bad things about adding H2O2 to the solution. just make sure next time that you are not adding to much


Active Member
Keep your roots DARK, COOL and MOIST. The purpose of Aeroponic is to get as much oxygen to the root as possible. Roots needs oxygen the most to grow, water to a minimum, enough to keep it moist but not soaked. You're problem sounds like it happened during the summer time.

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Keep your roots DARK, COOL and MOIST. The purpose of Aeroponic is to get as much oxygen to the root as possible. Roots needs oxygen the most to grow, water to a minimum, enough to keep it moist but not soaked. You're problem sounds like it happened during the summer time.
Yes, this horrible failure of a grow happened in the heat of summer with no ventilation system at all. I have learned from my mistakes here and I plan to try a new system type, since I am glowing in a small area where it is impossible to vent to the outdoors. I also need to buy an uv ionizer if I am going to start back up.

Anyone have suggestions on brands of ionizers and system types for a cramped closet type grow? By the time I start again I will have a vent system with fans leading the air out of the grow chamber, I see how important this and rez temps are, now more then ever. :???: