Root rot in Coco Coir. Root Aphids?

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I use RO not UV tho. RO doesn't filter bacteria. My guess are the aphids. I transplanted in 50/50 coco perlite and fabric pots today.
I would dose it with slf-100 -it's an enzyme product with active bacterial cultures. I've heard good things about fixing root rot and killing fungus gnats too. Enzymes can get rid of that biofilm.
I am already feeding all kind of fungi and beneficial bacteria. If you are interested I use
ecto-mykos per ml:
Pisolithus tinctorius (750.000 Sporen), Rhizopogon villosulus (125.000 Sporen), R. luteolus (125.000 Sporen), R. amylopogon (125.000 Sporen), R. fulvigleba (125.000 Sporen), Scleroderma citrinum (156.250 Sporen), S. cepa (156.250 Sporen), Suillus granulatus (156.250 Sporen), Suillus punctatipes (156.250 Sporen), Laccaria bicolor (50.000 Sporen), L. laccata (50.000 Sporen)

Trichoderma per ml :
Trichoderma koningii (187.500 Sporen), T. harzianum (187.500 Sporen)

myko per ml:
Glomus intraradices (8 Sporen), G. mosseae (8 Sporen), G. aggregatum (8 Sporen), G. etunicatum (8 Sporen), G. clarum (2 Sporen), G. margarita (2 Sporen), G. brasilianum (2 Sporen), G. monosporum (2 Sporen), G. deserticola (2 Sporen)

bennies: - 298.469 x :
Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis, B. azotoformans, B. megaterium, B. coagulans, B. pumilus, B. thuringiensis, B. stearothermophilus, Paenibacillus polymyxa, P. durum, P. fluorescens, P. gordonae, Azotobacter polymyxa, A. chroococcum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Streptomyces griseus, S. lydicus, Pseudomonas aureofaciens, Deinococcus erythromyxa.

other stuff:
humicacid, seaweedextract

This is an austrian product, available in Europe called MykorrHizzasoluble by tiroler glückspilze. Works great but I still get root rot
Try not watering to run-off. Only feed the plant what it can dr
I am already feeding all kind of fungi and beneficial bacteria. If you are interested I use
ecto-mykos per ml:
Pisolithus tinctorius (750.000 Sporen), Rhizopogon villosulus (125.000 Sporen), R. luteolus (125.000 Sporen), R. amylopogon (125.000 Sporen), R. fulvigleba (125.000 Sporen), Scleroderma citrinum (156.250 Sporen), S. cepa (156.250 Sporen), Suillus granulatus (156.250 Sporen), Suillus punctatipes (156.250 Sporen), Laccaria bicolor (50.000 Sporen), L. laccata (50.000 Sporen)

Trichoderma per ml :
Trichoderma koningii (187.500 Sporen), T. harzianum (187.500 Sporen)

myko per ml:
Glomus intraradices (8 Sporen), G. mosseae (8 Sporen), G. aggregatum (8 Sporen), G. etunicatum (8 Sporen), G. clarum (2 Sporen), G. margarita (2 Sporen), G. brasilianum (2 Sporen), G. monosporum (2 Sporen), G. deserticola (2 Sporen)

bennies: - 298.469 x :
Bacillus subtilis, B. licheniformis, B. azotoformans, B. megaterium, B. coagulans, B. pumilus, B. thuringiensis, B. stearothermophilus, Paenibacillus polymyxa, P. durum, P. fluorescens, P. gordonae, Azotobacter polymyxa, A. chroococcum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Streptomyces griseus, S. lydicus, Pseudomonas aureofaciens, Deinococcus erythromyxa.

other stuff:
humicacid, seaweedextract

This is an austrian product, available in Europe called MykorrHizzasoluble by tiroler glückspilze. Works great but I still get root rot

Probably just overwatering or maybe a strain that is prone to root rot.
Turns out that they are not Root Aphis. The pest is this Collembola. Turns out they are typical for overwatered plants or bacterial disease.
Is it possible that my source water is full of nasty bacteria?
I transplanted in 50/50 coco perlite and fabric pots. i water everyday again now. they seem to do better but i'm pretty sure its coming back.
i ordered a uv water filter i heard that helps.
So they look better now but the main rootball is basically all brown and fucked. There are white roots coming out of this tho. So will my enyzmes and bennies take care of the nasty old shit or will it spread and ruin my grow? Any guesses?
Seems like my coco was shit. I bought Goldlabel 70/30 Coco Perlite. To me it seems like it was too mushy so it hold on to too much water. Should have rinsed it before use.
My two cents is that you are not allowing roots or medium enough time between watering. Constant wet induces bacterial and fungal growth. Dinner bell for pests and problems.
Man wtf is going in. Everybody says something different. Can you guys please READ THE THREAD BEFORE POSTING!
Sorry for beeing rude but 50% of people say I have to water every day other 50% say dont water everyday.
Is but the reality of our methods and locations being vastly different. You asked. Now frustrated by the generous replies.

I gave my 2 cents. Now my 6th sense says it is time to wish you a solution and success.

Man wtf is going in. Everybody says something different. Can you guys please READ THE THREAD BEFORE POSTING!
Sorry for beeing rude but 50% of people say I have to water every day other 50% say dont water everyday.
Ffs man you either want advice or not people are trying to help you, a bit gratitude is free.
I am just saying read the thread before posting. Not that hard to do. I already know why I got the rot ok? I know how to water etc. I am asking if my inner rootball will affect the plant in a way that its going to die. Ok?

Can cannabis plants recover from root rot in coco or soil?
Not being my preferred "Richard" personality. But your "knowing" how to water got you here. K.I.S.S.. And stupid people will amaze and educate you if you get off the superiority. My most intelligent friends are the ones of least social presence. Because they refuse to talk down to us. And can't explain in words you can spell.

It is Saturday. Let me get Troll costume and magic wand.

I'm just laughing and hope some one actually looks outside their beliefs.

Humor on.
I am just saying read the thread before posting. Not that hard to do. I already know why I got the rot ok? I know how to water etc. I am asking if my inner rootball will affect the plant in a way that its going to die. Ok?

Can cannabis plants recover from root rot in coco or soil?
Not if you don't stop the cause of the rot. Then again I'm usually wrong about this stuff and am barely an intermediate grower. I wish you the best with your grow.
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