Root Rot, Underfed, Or Just Not Sure


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU,

.Orangish/brownish roots(I think it's because Ive been adding GH Ph down to the res to keep ph within range, however Im not sure)
.Purple stems(Only about 2 weeks old)
.Pale green older leaves
I recently started to using DWCs and everything's been going good until earlier this week. I started to notice that my roots are like an orangish/brown color, my seedlings have purple stems already, and the older leaves are kinda pale green and have slight spotting. I ph'd everything correctly,measured the nutes out perfect, and still there's problems. I've got pics for u guys to see. Also I kept my Res temps around 75 F (+/- 2 degrees). What am I doing wrong here? I already lost 1 seed because of germination I don't wanna lose all 4. Any help would be great. Sorry if someone has already answered this but I couldn't find anything that fits my plants symptoms.


Well-Known Member
Could be one of these or a combination of things.......

1. Not enough oxygen in water

2. water too warm at 75 degrees

3. over/under watering

90% of these kinds of problems are from these issues.


Well-Known Member
Any tips on keeping the water temps lower? And if it is root rot what solution is there to recover from it?[/QUOte/]
im no dwc expert here but i did read that a frozen water bottle in your rez can work. just make sure its not too big of a water bottle lol


Well-Known Member
Your roots look really look I'm not sure they will recover. Some people add hydrogen peroxide which might help but do some research to find out how much and what strength.

The frozen water bottle may help temporarily, others use 1/2 liter water bottles- keep throwing some in, when they melt, throw more in and put the old ones back in the freezer. Chillers are expensive but they work really well....look for a used one on Ebay maybe. I've lost 100's of plants to similar problems like you........the pumps throw off heat, which warms the water. It's why I went back to dirt- it's EASIER.


Well-Known Member
I recently added ice cubes aand I turned the dial on the pump up to allow for more oxygen. I'm hoping they recover. I'm monitoring the Ph closely now. The roots should be able to recover though?


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily..........they may be stunted until new growth forms. Again, I've lost many plants with exactly your same issue.