root rot


Well-Known Member
common strategy, no one replies to my first thread, start a new one.

for god sakes man, next time, at least do what the rest of us do, and just shamefully bump your own post. we dont need 2 new threads asking another question that has been both asked AND answered over 100 times on this site. learn to use the search tool.


Active Member
No kidding and only about 5 minutes after the first thread. But seriously just use the search. If anything else I'm sure google would easily answer your question too.


Well-Known Member
Damn u guys have had one big fuck tall ass glass of hater aid...who gives a fuck, it is really disrupting ur lives that much to answer the same question twice, I mean for fuck sake, if every question about marijuana could only be asked once, this site would be fucking dead, no subcribers, only visitors, so get the fuck over it and let the guys ask his damn question without getting harassed u fucking internet gangsters


Well-Known Member
Oh and hay wood, ur getting root rot cuz ur container dosent have adequate dranage and or ur soil is to compact....use about 1 and no more then 2 table spoos of proxide per gallon...


Well-Known Member
1 teaspoon per gallon of 29% H2O2 is the recommended dosage. The peroxide you get at the drug store is only 3% and is not recommended because of additives.


Active Member
i used the cheap 3% shit from the dolla store, about a tablespoon in a 2 liter bottle for 3 waterings and my roots went from brown n soft to white n healthy in no time. good luck bro. check out my journal, tis my first grow n i fukd up a few times, n everythin i did is in there... tis is definately a great place for answers. as long as you don run into douches who would rather spend double the amount of time hatin than it would take to jus help someone


Active Member
Oh and hay wood, ur getting root rot cuz ur container dosent have adequate dranage and or ur soil is to compact....use about 1 and no more then 2 table spoos of proxide per gallon...
definately right, poke some holes in the bottom of your pot n mix a few handfuls o perlite in wit your soil...


Active Member
Chlorine will do a better job... google it.
Lasts longer... and can be used for preventive maintenance.
H202 breaks down quickly.. bleach (clorox) wont.. and it is harmless in the right dose..

I have seen to treat, about 16 drops per gallon.. and then going to 8 drops per gallon for maintenance.

Don't take my dosage word for it.. look it up first!

Good luck.