root snapped?


Well-Known Member
ok well basically the seedling was planted incorrectly.. and needed to be replaced.. the seed had about a 5inch sprout comign out of it.
didnt realize it was so fragile, and when replacing its position, the sprout coming out of it snapped, about 2.5 inches came off, does this mean my plant will not grow now? am i completely screwed?


Well-Known Member
does anyone know this? a i wasting my electricity by trying to continue this grow? or what should i do?


Well-Known Member
Give it a dose of rooting hormone and try to save it. I'd use the liquid kind so you don't have to dig it back up again.


Well-Known Member
Or for sure Lowe'sdown and Home Despot. Maybe Ace Hardvare, too, depending on how good yours is (our SUCKS ASS ALL OUR STORES HERE SUCK). whew.. sorry, guess I needed to get that off my chest again. :lol: