

Active Member
hi guys i could use your help with something. i have a plant which is four weeks into flower but it got rootbound in its pot and drainage turned non existent. when i repotted the roots were coiled up around the bottom and and up the sides was a tangled web, i rubbed around the sides and loosen some of the soil b4 repotting. the ph of the soil was 6.7, high ph and stale. after the repot i gave it 2 days and then gave it a flush. i flushed to try get all the stale water out of the pot, i know i maybe should have left it longer but fan leaves were still dying (going yellow with brown spots and new growth at bottom just falling off!).
the flush didnt go so well, the water just would not drain though. the plant has now drained most of the water but the pots still very heavy.
i think if left it wont pull through as the soil is sodden so im wondering has anyone got any tips to sort this out.
all tips welcome and rep for anyone who can give me a hand sorting this out.
thanks people


Active Member
no its not a mother, but feels like a mother f@@cker at the minute. bitch is driving me mad. ill do as you say and ill get as much of the bad soil off as i can. i was reading when the roots are bound round the bottom of the pot its a good idea to snip them, anyone any info on this. ive got a 5 gallon pot somewhere aswell, bought by mistake!
did i do the right thing flushing to get all that stale water out of the old soil!
thanks for reply +rep


Well-Known Member
You did everything wrong. I'll explain when I get off work. I'm on my phone right now. Never repot during flower. Ever.


Active Member
thought as much, just dont know what else i could have done as the plant has had stunted growth now for over a week, looks like its in second week flower and has most of its fan leaves are now as yellow as a brown spotted banana!


Active Member
I have a while before worrying about this, I think. But I may as well ask. How can you tell when your plant is root bound? When starting off in a plastic cup (beer pong cup lol), how long should it be before transplanting to a bigger pot? How are you supposed to know when to transplant a plant?


Active Member
Clear plastic cups are better to use, usually when you see the root on the sides and bottom you know its time to transplant. Easy rule of thumb, plants like to keep a 50/50 foliage/root mass ratio, so keep that in mind


Active Member
Judging off the pics that you saw of my reggie plant going, how long would you say it might have before needing a transplant?


Active Member
the cup in the pic looks like a bucket to the size of the plant so id say it will be fine for a while, i normally put them in the small pot then after two weeks put in 3 l and then they go into the 3 gallon pots. it was the three gallon that this one filled, dont know how as i have 8 plants going strong and the rest are doing great, im doing a skunk 11 and thats just gone over 4 foot with plenty of buds and no problems, the plant with the probs is the warlock i think(mix pack). ive had a heat pad under plant cos its in night and a good biut of water coming through.
hisgirl way too early to be giving nutes if your growing in a soil with nutes in already, also when plant is young dont water too heavy and only water when the pot is light. if its your first grow then its gona be a great learning experience. was for me.


Active Member
I was told I could give nutes at 1/4 of what is recommended and only every 3 waterings, which my boyfriend watered it with FF Big Bloom and Superthrive sometime last week and it's been doing good and is due for another watering probably tonight. The Skunk (smallest) is actually the oldest plant, it was planted February 11. It's just small cause it's recovering from a completely broken stem after about 2 weeks into veg.


Active Member
what soil are u using?, i never use any nutes on a plant especially if its recovering from a damaged stem, hope it all turns out ok for you, normally the soil you use(depending on what it is) will have enough of what the plant needs, i have never given any of my plants nutes until they are 2-3 weeks old. normally by that stage they are about 6-8 inches tall. somebody will probs tell you different though because so many people grow in different ways.
good luck with it anyway
ps, one quarter of what is recommended could be anything, they normally say 2-5 mls. if you want to give it anything at that size i would only give .5ml(half a mil).
i only have a new batch of seedlings(not seedlings now) that i just gave nutes to a couple of nights ago, ill send you a pick sometime tomorrow just so you know how they should be, also are you mixing in perlite with the soil?


Active Member
We are using Jiffy 100% Organic soiless mix. Have not mixed perlite into it, didn't really know I had to. And it's over a month old. When we replanted it we didn't replant the root, we replanted the stem that already had the leaves growing out.


Active Member
nutes already in that soil so i would not give it anymore, should be enough to last the plant until its at least 6 inches and even then dont give any unless it looks like it needs it. when it reaches 6 inches you can either transplant into a 3 gallon or if i were you a 4-5 gallon pot because skunk can get very tall. dont go by the standard veg period because the plant u have will need all the time to this point plus about 30 days from when it starts growing. this is because of its bad start. i would also get a bag of perlite (not vermiculite) as it helps drainage. the skunk seem to be hungry plants and are very hardy. great first grow plants. mix the vermiculite at a rate of 60-40, so every three handfuls of soil put 2 of vermiculie. its ok if the vermic is a little less, also when repotting dont put anymore soil on top only underneath and down the sides if you know what i mean. also damp the right amount of soil you will be using the night before you transplant. if theres owt ive missed just give me a shout, but good luck with it.


Active Member
Well the Skunk's leaves were turning yellowish so I was told to give a little nutes and that FF would be good. And thank you, I'll have to go get some perlite soon.


Active Member
also the skunk normally sheds its first sets of leaves, the main fan leaves not the round ones. so when this happens dont add loads of nutes because it will only cause problems. good luck with this and all future grows


Active Member
The two fan leaves that started with the plant are kinda yellow. The round ones are yellow and still attached. But it also looks like the leaves that are growing in now are a little yellow, I guess more of a light green but those leaves aren't even grown in yet, you can just see there little spiked tip poking up