Rootbound during flower


Well im in the middle of week 4 and got no pot space left.Im running a 400w hps soul synthetics player pack got 2 big burly girls (random bag genetics)One sativa dom, one heavy indca dom both are in 15 gal outdoor plant pots and both have been bound up for 2 weeks.I will post pics when my light comes on in the morning.My question is will this bind slow my bud growth and are my girls on track for being 4 weeks into flower?


Well-Known Member
If he says they are root bound then we must give advice based on that. Questioning him won't do much but waste time.

If your plants are root bound and you have no space left, then there arn't many options. Since they are flowering they won't have much more root growth so you might just want to continue in their current pots.


Well-Known Member
If he says they are root bound then we must give advice based on that. Questioning him won't do much but waste time.

If your plants are root bound and you have no space left, then there arn't many options. Since they are flowering they won't have much more root growth so you might just want to continue in their current pots.
Since there is no solution everyone is trying to figure out how it is even possible to get a 15 gallon container filled with a 400w lamp.

I am just as curious!

OP must have had that plant in veg for months. I grow small trees in 10 gallon containers, the plants veg for about 60 days under a 1,000w MH lamp. Flower time depends on strain but is typically 9-11 weeks, I have NEVER had a plant get root bound with my timings. Flowering lamps are two 1,000w eye hortilux HPS.

That means OP must have been vegging that plant for upwards of 60+ days.

Sorry OP.


Active Member
Advice: let it go, what are you going to do, transplant a 15g pot 4 weeks into flower? I think not, shit will break, roots will get ruined and you will stunt your flowering.

As everyone else says, are you sure it's 15g, I mean that's a huge pot, 56ltrs, we are talking a large tote. How do you know it's root bound, are you seeing roots coming out the bottom or something? Pics?


Well-Known Member
If he says they are root bound then we must give advice based on that. Questioning him won't do much but waste time.

If your plants are root bound and you have no space left, then there arn't many options. Since they are flowering they won't have much more root growth so you might just want to continue in their current pots.

or we try and help him and in this "helping him" we try to find out if there really root bound or not, my guess along with every one else's is that they probably aren't root bound, so giving advise to his problem is pointless. he talks about them being root bound for 2 weeks now, but only in flower for 4 weeks, if thats the case why wouldn't he have transplanted to a bathtub or pool before flowering started? So as i stated i bet theres something else going on. we are giving advise based on what we know and this is what every one is coming up with that there either monster plants or theres something else going on and maybe he doesnt know what hes talking about.


sorry bout the late pics had a real busy day basement flooded lastnight had to deal with that first.There is a solo cup in the left pot for size refrence.The one on the left is about 4' tall and 2 1/2' across.The shorter one on the left is about 3' tall and 3' across.Like i said lastnight im half way into week 4 flower.They both are random bag genetics and both vegged for about a month.One reason i say they are bound up is when i water them not only do they take a gallon each a day but when dumping water on the soil all you see is little thread roots covering just under the soil.and yes by the next morning they are bone dry not just the surface but clear down 4"(size of my middle finger).


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Well-Known Member
Maybe a touch over-watered or maybe just watered. I don't think they are root bound, more likely you just noticed the transition from stretching in first two weeks of flower to bud development phase where vertical growth can really slow down. Your buds look fine for 4 weeks. They will begin to develop a little more quickly now.


Well i know when it comes to my girls i really don't want to take any chances.So i came to the source of all my growing knowledge riu.Yea i had just watered a few hours ago.I had read that root bound plants in flower will drink large amounts of water to compensate for lack of pot room(true or not not sure) Im real glad to hear im on track as far as bud growth is going.If you guys want diffrent pics let me know.O and im not exactly sure they are 15g pots i know they are bigger than the 10s at rualking (where i got these)but they didn't actualy say what size they were but it took 3 10lb bags of manure compost mix to fill both pots.
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