Rootbound : More likely when fed poorly ... or fed well ?


Well-Known Member

My Question

With regard to how plant roots develop in size and bulk and density ... according to how poorly or how well nourished their soil is ...

Do poorly nourished roots grow more thickly & quickly in the search for more nutrients ?

- or -

Does a well nourished root system grow more profusely to take advantage of the abundance of nutrients ?

My Attempted Research

I've read and searched and quite widely on this over a few days ... but it's not an easy question to locate much research on.

My Concern

My pots may be a bit smaller than ideal for outdoor sativa.

I'm just a little teeny tiny bit worried that my plants could become root bound.

I'm trying to better understand the influencing factors behind root growth and available nutrition.

My Grow

I'm doing an outdoor grow
  • mostly sativa
  • southern hemisphere
  • 5 month grow period (slightly later start)
  • half the daylight is direct sunlight
  • half the daylight is ambient but not direct sunlight

  • 25 litre / 6.6 US gallon pots
  • 50% nursery potting soil
  • 25% nursery compost
  • 25% living soil
    • vermicomposted all of this through my worm bins
    • ( red wriggler earthworms )
    • ( endemic african garden earthworms )
    • ( and a bunch of companion digester composting bugs and maggots )
      • veg
      • fruit
      • rabbit droppings
      • racehorse manure
      • garden waste leaves
      • fresh sea kelp
      • prawn heads & shells
      • egg shells
      • coffee grounds
      • spent brewer's grains
      • corrugated cardboard
      • egg cartons
      • newspaper
  • a bit of mushroom compost to kick off mycorrizal fungi
    • aged chicken manure
    • composted straw
    • infused with mycelium
  • and supplemental molasses teas to kick start rhizobacteria & microbial life
    • worm castings
    • chopped crushed pounded fresh kelp
    • spent brewer's grains and enzymes
  • top dressings to be applied as my grow medium settles
    • more vermicompost
    • more work castings
    • more aged manure
    • more aged kelp
Roots grow in search of moisture, not nutrients. That's why a dry cycle is necessary in soil growing. As the soil dries, roots grow, plant growth slows. Water when the soil is dry and roots slow because they're not looking for water, and plant growth explodes. This is the circle of container life.
This is, of course, assuming they have a healthy environment already.
Good luck!
What is this "Root Bound" you speak of? These are just some good healthy roots......

Screenshot_2020-08-08 Archive Seeds ( archiveseeds) • Instagram photos and videos.jpg

If you got something that looks like this, your doing everything right. Granted, if you have a root mass like this you will need to water and feed it daily if not multiple times a day. Keeping soil to wet will slow the roots down but thats not what you want at all. Shitty roots = shitty fruits. I think the answer to your concern is to control the size of the plant. Remove entire branches if you feel the need to.
I'm going to head out for a beer ...
... and digest this new information.

Much obliged
Man you must be on the other side of the world. Morning here. Crazy getting advice from someone literally on the other side of the planet. All bars and restaurants closed here, enjoy that cold one.
Man you must be on the other side of the world. Morning here. Crazy getting advice from someone literally on the other side of the planet. All bars and restaurants closed here, enjoy that cold one.

The bottom tip of Africa ...
... where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean.


Sunny still ...
... sunset just after 7:00

Roots grow in search of moisture, not nutrients. That's why a dry cycle is necessary in soil growing. As the soil dries, roots grow, plant growth slows. Water when the soil is dry and roots slow because they're not looking for water, and plant growth explodes. This is the circle of container life.
This is, of course, assuming they have a healthy environment already.
Good luck!
not trying to be a dick or a troll but if what you say is true why do blumats work so well for everyone that uses them?
I've been using them for about 4-5 months and my plants have never been happier or bigger and i use living soil just watering with plain water and they have never had a dry period since a beer cup
the whole cannabis needs a dry cycle is a myth
4 to 5 months. Wow, I'm impressed.

you are right they search for water.
but where does it say cannabis needs a dry cycle like you said?
cause it doesn't that shits a myth, can't be to wet or to dry, a blumat keeps your plant at the moisture level you set
i apologize for not knowing about blumats before 4-5 months but you could research your self and see people have been using them for over a decade on cannabis plants with exceptional results.
so once again explain how the blumats work if cannabis needs a dry period in soil
Roots grow in search of moisture, not nutrients. That's why a dry cycle is necessary in soil growing. As the soil dries, roots grow, plant growth slows. Water when the soil is dry and roots slow because they're not looking for water, and plant growth explodes. This is the circle of container life.
This is, of course, assuming they have a healthy environment already.
Good luck!
if you would kindly read what you claimed above i think you are the one that needs to prove your claim "That's why a dry cycle is necessary in soil growing. "
so nice try jackass
why does a blumat work if your statement is actually true...........
ill wait,
have a feeling i will be here a life time
that's what i thought smart guy
Really? I posted two links backing up what I said. Your just an Internet asshole with tech you paid money for embarrassed that you wasted it. Fuck off. Unwatched. Sorry op, what I said is accurate. Good luck trying to use Blumat outdoors.