Roots are brown, plants are saggy

I cant tell if this is root rot or just stained from the nutes im using. i got some aqua clear i will be adding to my reservior in a few days and once my plants are back to health i will be cloning them and starting over. what do you guys think? should i trim my roots? do they look rotten? i cant tell if my plants have a nute deficiency either because some leaves are very light in color. please help!

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That is root rot. There are many ways it can come about. It can be caused by too high of res temps or adding organic ferts into you dwc system. (some of your roots are constantly submerged it's technically dwc) Make sure your res temp is at the proper temp. If it is, get yourself some Dutch Master Zone. Id also suggest that after that crop you clean your system with a high concentration of h2o2. Root rot can be hard to shake. Also, whats your PH at?
I am using botanicare nutrients and yes i beleive they are organic. My roots are constanstly submerged but i do have a sandstone bubbler in the bottom of my rez. i try to keep the res around between 65 and 75 and my ph stays between 5.8 and 6.3. I did take carfully pick the roots up and look at them closer and some brown color and specks did some off on my finger, which is what makes me think the roots might just be strained from having all the partcles of my nutes stuck it in.
Looks like a fuckin swamp creature, its root rot, next time use H2O2 every 4 days in the res.
I hear aquashield works good... but have no experience with it on large scale root rot. but it worked in my cloner.. Someone else might have a better opinion on that product.
keep the roots out of water! i had the same issue when i did DWC; i added a screen in, under the mesh pots, and over the water line, kept the roots in the air, above the water, they were still wet, but not rotting.
Holly Molly. That's is crazy root rot. Use some h202 and prey they recover. Look pretty bad. Do you clean your water every week?
Do your roots smell of rotten potatoes? The nutes you are using are known to stain roots but looking at the state of your plants there is definatley a problem...either that be a nute one or root problem. is an exellent link thats already been put up and if you cant be bothered to make your own then buy some ready made like biopac by vitalink or voodoo juice and throw some zymes in eg cannazyme or try your local garden pond shop for some pondzyme. For me beneficiaries were the way forward.

Heres some pics of before and after adding biopac and cannazyme . Remember you have to drop out the aqua clear or any h202 if you go the beneficiary bacteria way.


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wow that looks really good. i will have to try that if the aqua sheild doesnt work. I would have just done that to begin with but i have already purchased some superthrive and aqua sheild and dont have the money for anything else. I stayed up all night last night moving my plants back to my apartment and i wiped everything down with some water and vinegar solution. I cleaned out the res completely and realize i need to clean it way more often. I also ran the roots of my plants under the sink faucet and lightly rubbed away all the dead root material. I will post pictures in a few days as i am not home now. I put ten gallons in my res and then added some "liquid karma" "aquasheild" "pro grow" and "superthrive" the ph is all balanced and hopfully within a few days i see my plants spring back to life. if that doesnt work and i decide to try out this "brown slime tea" people are talking about i will have to dump out the res again?
We dont have aquashield in the uk but im pretty sure its a similar product to h2o2 , ie kills all nasties to keep it clean so yes you will have to change the rez. The benefits of using beneficial bacteria is that it keeps a balance of good bacteria which control the bad ie pythium. Also you can run (in my experience) higher rez temps were mid 70s to 80f all the way through which prob caused the rot in first place but after adding biopac etc i had zero problems..
Also with this way you dont have to worry about cleaning all the bad stuff off the roots etc as the good bacteria takes care of it. I was sceptical at first and kept going the clean route with h202 and continuously changing the rez,cleaning airstones with h202 etc then I took the chance and as my pics showed it was unbeleivable . Worked so fast
Here's 2 weeks later ...even if the aquashield works its good to keep in mind to try this next time


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maybe they need trimming so its better to have some trimming of them and also use a liquid name rogan on them once a week
You should be ok with the aqua shield. I just checked that its a beneficiary bacterial solution similar to biopic. Just remember to drop out the h2o2 as this will kill the benefits ie good bacteria. Hope this works out for you.