Roots covered coated in slime snot


Well-Known Member
Maybe its been mentioned but subcomplex m and b are usually known to clear up the slime and gunk. Ive never had this but use peroxide(h202) in my reservoirs from the start maybe thats why. Hope u get it figured out and hope this helps. Peace

Right Back At IT!!!

Active Member
Good work!

This is a little more info on the slime issue:

Even very clean hydroponic systems and grow rooms
which are isolated from the outdoor environment will have some Pythium present as these fungal spores are naturally
present everywhere on a world wide scale - in the water, soil, vegetation, carried in the air and in dust, so its difficult to
eliminate the source of this disease. However, one way we can reduce the `spore load' is to sterilize any water supply
which may be contaminated with high levels of pythium - water from dams, and streams should always be sterilized

before use for this reason if Pythium is a problem. - Future Harvest Development Powered by Mambo Generated:12 September, 2010, 08:22

Although high water temps and low oxygen levels can and do make the problem worse, they alone are not responsible for the infection, keeping your levels at the right temps and oxygen help to avoid the infection, but after the invasion occurs, the only solution that always work is sterilization with physan 20 and introducing beneficial microbes in the form of an EWC tea. And that won't work if you don't catch it early enough and the plants are too damaged, at that point transplanting into soil is probably the only way to save them.

I can totally follow your ideology and you are 100% correct when you say all places on our earth have pythium, but, there are also bacteria on the human body that can be very detrimintal to our health if we do not live a certain way (cleansiness in particular) With all that said, pythium (MUST) have #1) Organic material to feed on #2) Higher temperatures at which to thrive... I suppose that my point is that WHY? would I buy all of those unneccessary products that are not needed unless I ignore preventive measures... I have hygrozyme and aquashield on my shevle, but, this is much like a prescription and should only be needed if the sickness occurs.... If you keep temperatures between (68-71) and organic material at a minimum - (just moved temp back a degree and some keep it lower) then the pythium just like flesh eating bacteria contained within our mouths and noses will be contained and in fact (lower than amounts found in nature). It seems like you are continously fighting symptoms with out addressing the root cause... MBA holder (everythings symptoms and root causes LOL)
PS: Don't mention losing plants and having to go to soil - I did just that with 18 beautiful Buddha White Dwarfs at the beg of the summer...But it was a DWC using Fox Farm Complete line... Now I use aero with Envy AB, fow farm open sesame, beastie XX, cha ching, with AN big bud.. Keeps my water as clear as the it was on day one, Envy A and B has absolutely no Sodium though I will swith to a complete AN line for my aero IF IF IF IF I can master this soft Envy AB Is there really a difference I wonder........ Good info though!!!!


Well-Known Member
Your assesment is flawless.

Unfortunately, when a thread like this one is started, it is too late for the preventative measures, and it is time for curative measures, in other words, the person already has the symptoms of the disease and are trying to save their plants.

People, in general, don't research plant diseases before they plant. They look for help after they see symptoms of disease. Kinda like going to a doctor, you know something is wrong, but you don't try to diagnose yourself. When the doctor identifies the problem and saves the patient, he then tells them about the preventative measures they should take to avoid future contamination.

But, your assesment still is flawless, you got it all correct.

Right Back At IT!!!

Active Member
Your assesment is flawless.

Unfortunately, when a thread like this one is started, it is too late for the preventative measures, and it is time for curative measures, in other words, the person already has the symptoms of the disease and are trying to save their plants.

People, in general, don't research plant diseases before they plant. They look for help after they see symptoms of disease. Kinda like going to a doctor, you know something is wrong, but you don't try to diagnose yourself. When the doctor identifies the problem and saves the patient, he then tells them about the preventative measures they should take to avoid future contamination.

But, your assesment still is flawless, you got it all correct.
You are exactly right in this case, I don't wanna be the jerk off telling someone what they should of could of would of done but I do TOTALLY agree with your comment about the issue already being past preventive..... I know who to look up if I ever have root problems...LOL


Active Member
Yea, the noob here (me) was cleaning off my hands and other items in my ebb&gro control unit! I hate being a noob...