roots in 7 days? this is my cloning journal


Well-Known Member
so i started with 38 cuttings. i got 27 to take root. not the best odds but i didn't even really need 1 so i'm way ahead of the game. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

IMG_8119.jpg IMG_8120.jpg IMG_8121.jpg IMG_8122.jpg IMG_8123.jpg IMG_8124.jpg


Well-Known Member

thankyou very much for sharing this with us it was truely an awsome site to see your end result :D

i just have a few question mate.. i have read your thread over 2 times and did not find the answer hence why i am asking now...

What medium did you place your clone cuttings into once you had cut them and dipped them in the cloning gel ?

and is it normal to make more than 1 clone from one branch ?

thanx in advance mate love your work


Well-Known Member
nice setup, and outdoor plants, man I wish I could stick some outdoors, too sketch though.

I use CloneX and get nice roots in under 10 days, CloneX is the Shiznit. I don't monitor temp or humid or nothing they just go 100%
and were bolth using "peat pods" I use SunLeaves brand. Yeah some strains can be way harder than other, I've tried a few diff methods and I fidn this to be the best.

My cloning setup,
50 Pack of the Peat Pods, $12
CloneX Gel, Small bottle that last ME a year, $22
NWG 50 site propagator $7.

and light of course, clones don't need much at all though.

I just take the lower leave clear off.

yes you can take secondary off shoots off a branch off the main stalk as clones. Just depends on what your setup is and how fast you want them to pick up and grow.

btw, like these shrooms? hehe

106g wet

and some more bigguns :mrgreen:




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Well-Known Member

thankyou very much for sharing this with us it was truely an awsome site to see your end result :D

i just have a few question mate.. i have read your thread over 2 times and did not find the answer hence why i am asking now...

What medium did you place your clone cuttings into once you had cut them and dipped them in the cloning gel ?

and is it normal to make more than 1 clone from one branch ?

thanx in advance mate love your work

when i take cuttings from outside i normally get several per branch.

i used rootech rooting gel. once they rooted i put them in beer cups with miracle grow soil. :blsmoke:


Active Member
fdd i've checked out a lot of your post and they all are very informative. When you with to the cup and MG, do you ad anything to help with drainage?


Well-Known Member
Hey FDD2blk, I don't suppose you would want to trade some clones? Your hijack looks mighty enticing. I've got a "blueberry" that ends up smelling more like coffee crisp in the end. The plant will shoot up atleast a foot or two during my indoor flowering, seems to have minimal leaf to bud ratio. It was a heavy chronic high. Zombie like. I'm also growing 420 from Vancouver Seed Bank. More of a personal grow since it's got fluffy buds, nice high though. Anyways, let me know what you think.

I like the idea of having "clubs" where you can go pick up different strains and sit around and chat and smoke. Wishin' we had something like that up in canada. I have a few friends that grow, but it's not like you can go searching these people out "hey! how's it goin'? Oh yea, btw, jus wonderin if you wanted to shoot the shit about growin marijuana?" hahahah :bigjoint:

One day......bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
the rapid rooter plugs are the secret to my success. i have tried rock wool and peat plugs with terrible results. the rapid rooter brand rooting trays preloaded with plugs give me a 99.9% success rate. using a dome for 3 days and a heat mat with a thermostat. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yeah it does.
i just did another tray of 50. 98% success rate. i had 1 that was just 2 small leaves that didn't make it. everything else is perfect. :-P

Congrats m8, my last batch 120... succes rate of 95% without the mat... + the growth was so agonizing !

:) I need a 120cm Heat pad... by 30cm :)

Think about 8 died here... yeah.. and they were the maple leaf.. I allways get punishd by myself... I realy wanted to have more than 12 maple leafs for myself... :)

Still got the mother, gona buy a 80x80x160 box for the mothers.. And i am gona turn my 60x60x140 On its side, mount 3 t5's at the top.. and do my cloning in there.. might have to buy 2x 120heat pads or one with a 60cm width !

cheers :D

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
the rapid rooter plugs are the secret to my success. i have tried rock wool and peat plugs with terrible results. the rapid rooter brand rooting trays preloaded with plugs give me a 99.9% success rate. using a dome for 3 days and a heat mat with a thermostat. bongsmilie
Thanks for the tips

time to find some rapid rooter plugs :-P

I'll also be using a "heating pad under it set at 80 degrees":!:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I use rapid rooter too. I buy it buy the bag. If I don't use all 50 I can just put the bag in the fridge and they stay good forever. I spray an anti-wilt on them and they don't have to be misted. It's more $$$ but I can leave clones untended for days.