Roots in water 24/7


Well-Known Member
im still learning how to use the bubbleponics system..i didnt buy it im making it my self..and i can find anything that explains how to use it..

are the roots supposed to stay in the water 24/7 with the air bubbles coming up in to them? or do i build some type of mist that sprays it every 5 mins?

and if theres any links/videos that could help please send them to me..

thanks to u all


Well-Known Member
roots stay in bubbling water 24/7, you could do a timed mister spray but the air pump still stays on all the time.


Active Member
no you can keep the roots in h2o all the time as long as you've got air for it. there's no need to spray it bro.


Active Member
after the seed sprout you gotta throw it in a starter plug or rockrool cube. then put it under a cfl until you see a set leaves and a good root base. then i would throw it under a metal halide and hopefully it turns out to be a nice beautiful female. just make sure you got a air pump and a nice airstone that'll bubble your water and splash the roots and keep if from drying out. eventually the roots will reach for the water and when it touches it it's going to take off. hope that helps..


Well-Known Member
The true Bubbleponics has a water pump in the tank that has hoses going to the netpot and up aginst the rockwool cube. That's what waters the roots until they reach the tank water, once they do that then the water pump can be removed.


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is fill your tank untill the water is up un your pots about an inch.The water will wick up thru your grow plugs.........