Roots not growing on my seedlings..


Active Member
I've got them under flo's 40 watt cool and 1 warm. They are on a heating matt, temp is 80, humidity 40-45, not over or under watered. One sprout out of 6 has grown to about 3-4 inches. The other 5 are still 1 inch, not growing, not dieing, just sitting there. I went and bought some fox farms soil for seedlings. I replanted them today. The soil I had them in was from outside and tested a 7 for ph. I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Root temperature should be 65-75. Get rid of the heating matt. It may be whats stunting your plants development. Ive got a few runts myself that are probably 6 days behind the rest. I gave them a shot of Fox Farms Big Bloom and it helped some, but Im gonna check my mediums temperature to see if thats causing a problem. Good job at getting rid of the outdoor soil. Dont do that anymore obv :)


Active Member
Moist paper towels inside a sealed ziploc bag . I kept under the heating matt. Soil from outside. An area near the septic tank and where nursery soil had been spread years ago. There were night crawlers in this soil. Soil maybe it was too rich? To strong?


Active Member
What are you refering to when you say you have to check your mediums temp? Are you talking about the soil? Would Lowe's have a soil temp tester?


Active Member
Root temperature should be 65-75. Get rid of the heating matt. It may be whats stunting your plants development. Ive got a few runts myself that are probably 6 days behind the rest. I gave them a shot of Fox Farms Big Bloom and it helped some, but Im gonna check my mediums temperature to see if thats causing a problem. Good job at getting rid of the outdoor soil. Dont do that anymore obv :)
y would you use a bloom nutewhen u are trying to veg the plant!!!! sometimes really wonder about the info given here.


Active Member
lots of people use bloom nutes in veg bro. makes a little bit easier on the pocket too as i understand.
well if thats the case where is the nitrogen from???? and after 31 years of growing im telling you veg and bloom nutes run about the same price but in bloom several bloom booosters are ussually used which cost more.


Well-Known Member
I would say it's a combination of the soil you were using, and the heat. Take them off the heating pad - too much heat on those roots and you could cook them. Make sure your lights are close enough, within a couple of inches. Be extremely careful about giving seedlings any nutes - most folks don't start them until around three weeks of age, as plants younger than that are very sensitive and burn easily. :peace:


Well-Known Member
y would you use a bloom nutewhen u are trying to veg the plant!!!! sometimes really wonder about the info given here.
Its name is very misleading. Its NPK is .01-.03-.07

Its not really a "flowering" fertilizer. It has alot more in it than just Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium that is beneficial to the plant. Look it up and you'll see :).

Lighthouse, I was referring to the soil when I said medium. I just use my digital thermometer. It has an attached cord I can insert into the soil and take readings that way.


Active Member
Would Lowe's sell soil thermometer's you think? I need to get one to check the soil. If it's over 75 it's too hot right? Well I keep the temp at 80 in this little storage area. But I have my seedlings on that heating matt I was telling you about. This heating matt will stay I think 10 to 20 degrees above room temperatures. I've have them TOO warm, don't I ?