Roots Organic


This is my first time on this site and I was wondering if anybody ever used the roots organic aurora nutrient line . Im trying to go all organic and hoping to get some feed back on this brand


Well-Known Member
used it through a few cycles its good all around still using it. and cheap ish if you click the link in my sig u can see my garden.


Active Member
Their soil is awesome! Their nute line is... complex but complete, look at General Organics, and Bio-Canna first. Earth Juice is very good too. If your doing true organics in a organic soil like Roots you DO NOT NEED TO PH ANYTHING, and USE DE-CHLORINATED WATER (OR REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER)


Never use anything that has an EDTA chelated salt is it, as it will kill beneficials.


Well-Known Member
I like the Roots Organic soil. Used as my base soil building the SuperSoil


Active Member
Their soil is awesome! Their nute line is... complex but complete, look at General Organics, and Bio-Canna first. Earth Juice is very good too. If your doing true organics in a organic soil like Roots you DO NOT NEED TO PH ANYTHING, and USE DE-CHLORINATED WATER (OR REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER)

I can't agree more. They do have a true organic nute line. I'm currently using there master line up. Should be able to post soon. The p.h. is really low out the bottle because it's a true organic and they don't pre p.h. it. I bubble for 24 hrs. and brings it in the 6's. Haven't tried it with out aerated it. Maybe I'll hit a few without the aeration just to see. I do understand the whole soil food web. And the living soil will eventually buffer to set it's own p.h. to liking. I'ts just a bit of a leap puttting 3.0 p.h. onto them. That's some of the reading's I got out the bottle with water of course. I also got the root 5 gal. pots. There cool cause they use recycled material and will decompose after 3 to 4 years. Awesome! Very Green. I got there uprising also which hasn't hit the stores because of packaging issues. But I got it thru there sister company. If you call them they will redirect you to them. Any input to help my grow along would be appreciated. I'm not closed minded and even if I don't agree with someone I still like to hear suggestions. Peace.


Active Member
They also have some non- organic bloom that is as close to being organic with out actually being. Its recommended for larger yielding situations as part of there master schedule. They way I was told by the rep from aurora innovations is that they change there organic product so that it absorbs better. By doing that they felt they can't list it as organic. But doesn't kill your living soil. Big +!

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
real good soil, grown veggqies in it n even started seedlings in at one time, then started em off in light warrior mixed with little of the Ro n did it real good.... Also I used the buddha grow and bloom putting the sunleaves mex and jam guano as need for cycle...more n(mex) for veg, less n and more p(jam) for bloom, I also added thrive alive(omri app) with seaplex, did it good at fair dosages, also phd with earth juice Ph solutions... I can t say enough how much you have to slowly and thoroughly water Ur plants, some plants cant take a heavy spill some cant but I jus water em slowly... Well did cause idont garden anymore, but anyway Ro products are good


Thanks to all who responded to my post . Im am not going to start use the roots organic line till the new year right now im going to finish out the year with my current line of nutrients . To all who would like to see my past, present, and future grows can find them on youtube at blocc131 again thanx for the comment everything helps