Roots Organics. Marine Green & Big Worm?


Active Member
I have been looking at roots organics original potting soil, and i think im going with it for my next grow. While i was looking on there website i came across some products i was interested in. Marine green - basically just a compost blend. And Big Worm - pure earthworm casting. Anyone have any experience/results with these products specifically?
I was thinking of mixing up some Original potting mix with the Marine green and Big worm, and lime. I already own the full roots organic nutrient line and i plan on using it again (loving the results in my current grow)
Just looking for a little feedback. I dont know if it would be overkill to add the compost and worm castings if i will already be using the R.O. bottled nutes? maybe just keep them in plain soil until final transplant?
Any thoughts would be great,


that marine green is a no no from me. youd be better off with kelp or sea weed meal if not both. they are 2 different things. and egg shells. now the big worm on the other hand is 100% grade AAA. . iv dig holes in the ground and mix soil in then plant.I hope that helped. happy planting

gorilla tits

New Member
could you expand on that lifetagger? why do you not like the marine green?

i ask because, I have been using it but have been noticing that the underside of the tips of my plants are purple. i'm wondering if the compost is burning my plants?

i've been reusing my soil for well over a year now, and have been amending it with
10% big worm earthworm castings
10% coco palms
10% marine green
10% perlite
medium doses of roots organics uprising foundation and bloom and grow for respective time periods.

maybe clones going into soil for the first time can't handle the compost? can anyone help with this. could this be a symptom of a magnesium or trace mineral deficiency? it also seems like i may have a magnesium deficiency, but i am flushing first just to be sure...