Roots showing on 4-8 day old seedlings.. transplant?! PICS


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning to find that all five of my seedlings suddenly began to poke a root through the bottom of their jiffy pellets. The oldest ones are about 8 days from germination, the youngest only 4 days. I hadn't seen any roots come out on any of them before today but ALL 5 of them decided to poke a single root through the bottom overnight, regardless of how old they are and how big they are.

I found that my pellets were quite dry this morning, could this be the reason? Maybe the roots developed all the way down and out overnight to find water? (relative humidity is very dry, around 25-30%).

Should I transplant these into bigger pots as I don't want to be putting these under all the lights with roots showing?

Anyone with some experience/insight into this would be much appreciated!



Active Member
dude, you got them in jiffy pellets, you can transfer now and not have to worry about transfer shock, thats the best thing bout using the jiffy pellets to start your seeds in. keep us posted on your growth. are those just reg bagseeds?


Well-Known Member
The big one is bagseed, middle row are white widow and ones on the left are mama thai. I just got some 20cm pots to put them in, thanks for the tips guys.


Active Member
nice selection of seeds dude. that thai will be really good... but just relax when you start to flower, that thai can take a good while to fully ripen