Roots surfaced hit by light rays fuck!


Active Member
Well shitt they look like hell now what should i do, i fixed the issue but they should be ok right? they werent like that for more then 7 hours.... they will just be stressed for a few days?


Well-Known Member
dude, calm down, roots dont die if they see light, they just think 'shit, im going the wrong way, id better go down'
it shouldnt cause any stress. id be more worried about what u did with them?
did u pick it out and bury it? thatd prob cause more stress than the root cing light.


Active Member
no but i have no idea whas wrong i transplanted a couple days ago but last night they looked good, then i woke up this morning light goes on at 2 am and i saw some roots showing and my plants look horrible!!!!!


Well-Known Member
rep me if i was any help m8.

also, again, i wouldnt worry, u mitv just shocked them. look after them carefull over the next few days.
u mit also not have planted them deep enough.